Page 31 of Fairy Godmen
She was quiet while they studied each one. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she took her seat, placed a tablet in front of her, and waited. She tried to appear calm when her heart was beating out the tune of a rock song. It was fine. Absolutely fine that they caught her in the house with three men, and she was in a t-shirt. No one was going to think a thing.
Angelina wondered how many letters she could get pinned on one shirt. The possibility of themed shirts entered her mind. Word games like she used to play as a child. Today’s shirt could be hangman themed with her letter and blank spaces. Tomorrow it could be more of a word search with a new letter.
Before they could make any decisions or voice any questions or concerns, the door rolled open.
“Shorty,” Ben called with a possessive smile for her and a warning look to the men.
Angelina groaned. This could not be happening. He was like a nasty rash. The man just kept popping up everywhere. She needed to add one more thing to the list they needed to discuss.
“I am busy right now,” she said in the politest tone she could manage.
“Angelina,” Ben growled.
“Oh no, he did not just do that,” she murmured. “If you will excuse me for just a minute,” she smiled at Gary and Mack before hot-footing it across the room to where Ben stood.
Before words could get out of her mouth, Ben swept her into his arms and kissed her. Not a polite little peck because they were in front of her clients. The man kissed her until she could think of nothing but the feel of his hand tugging on her hair, the rigid body holding her tight against him, and the hardness she wanted to drop to her knees and beg for. His lips demanded she participate, not that she was able to deny him. Her brain switched off. Her body was now in complete control. It wanted everything he was offering. Every sensation he drew from her grew into a full-body tremble that each stroke of his tongue against hers enhanced. His taste embedded itself in her DNA. Every caress of his skin against hers made her want to plead for more. Asshole.
Ben pried his lips away from hers. As much as he wanted to continue kissing her senseless, other people were in the room. Watching Angelina come undone was for his eyes only. He came to make sure they understood she was taken.
“Ang,” Ben nipped her bottom lip gently to get her attention.
“Yeah,” she swayed closer to him.
“Shorty, I am going to work. What do you have on the schedule for today?”
“Um, what?”
A sense of pride filled him. He did that to her. He made this gorgeous, brilliant woman lose her mind with one kiss.
“Angelina, look at me.”
He almost groaned when her eyes snapped to him. Now was not the time to enjoy how responsive she was to him.
“I am going out to the back fields to plant. Probably won’t be back until dark.”
Angelina nodded.
“Do not leave without telling me where you are going.”
The delicious heat he created between them cooled instantly.
“I have work,” she said carefully. She was fully aware that Gary and Mack could hear every word.
“You will call,” he commanded as he handed over her cell phone. “I already put my number in.”
Angelina bit her lip. She could not yell at him in front of her clients. She could not maim him in front of people who paid for her services. She could not kill him in front of another living soul. Bad reputation, clean-up, and witnesses aside, now was not the time to put him in his place.
“This is not over,” she whispered.
Ben bent until his body almost engulfed hers. He couldn’t hold back the smile when he watched the goosebumps spread across her skin as he let a finger trail down her cheek to her chin. “As much as I want to see my hand on your sexy as fuck little ass, we have things to discuss. You won’t like it if I have to track you down.”
“Have a wonderful day,” Angelina forced a smile.
When Ben smirked at her, the arrogant look was more than she could take. There really was no time like the present. One swift kick to the shin, a giant push, and a punch to the nose had him staggering backward. With a satisfied sigh, she rolled the door shut in his face.
Spinning around, she watched money change hands between the brothers. She wasn’t even going to ask.
“So, what do you think?”