Page 32 of Fairy Godmen
“Well, I bet on the wrong one,” Mack chuckled. “I thought sure the big man would win that round.”
“Never bet against our girl,” Gary chided, pocketing the money. “She might be small, but she is fierce. You don’t get to the top of this industry without a little fight in you. The big man never stood a chance.”
Angelina shook her head. She was worried about her professionalism, and they were betting on her love life. The day could not get any weirder.
“Out of the three options, what do you like, don’t like, or need to be changed?” She asked, taking her seat.
“I want that one,” Gary pointed to the picture on the board.
“I want this one,” Mack tapped on the table.
Angelina sat for a moment waiting. They usually worked these kinds of things out for themselves. The brothers changed places and considered the drawing in front of them.
“This has to be the one for the hunting property,” Gary said.
“I agree,” Mack nodded.
“What do we need that one for?”
“Look at that building,” Mack demanded. “Look at the arches on the entrance and massive log sides all curved like that. What does that remind you of?”
Gary thought for a moment before his face lit up. “Fly fishing.”
“I was thinking fishing, but I can compromise.”
“The rustic look would be perfect in place of that rundown shithole in Idaho my ex-wife convinced me to buy,” Gary thought aloud.
“The new boobs you bought her convinced you to buy that dump.”
Angelina wondered how many properties these guys owned. The number was probably close to the number of ex-wives they collected. It boggled the mind how they juggled it all. She had a hard time keeping two men and a business going.
“I agree.”
“Can you imagine the look on that battleaxe’s face when I send the bulldozers in to tear down that place?” Gary sighed with glee.
“Better yet, the open-mouth floppy fish face she makes when the new construction goes up?”
“We’ll take both,” Gary turned to Angelina with a giddy grin.
“Well, that was easier than I thought it would be,” she laughed. “I will get in touch with your contractor and send you the final invoice. Are you using the same company for both?”
“Yep, same guys,” Gary told her. “You find quality; you stick with it.”
“When did you get the new man?” Mack asked.
“He isn’t mine,” Angelina quickly replied. “He is a friend of my father’s. He showed up a few days ago.”
“Huh,” Gary considered her answer carefully. “It’s April.”
“I have five hundred that says they are married by Christmas,” Mack counted out bills on her conference table.
“What?” Angelina couldn’t believe they were betting on her love life.
“He was in the service?” Gary asked.
“Army,” she mumbled.
“I’ll put five on the Fourth of July,” he decided as he counted out bills on the table.