Page 37 of The Warren Effect
“It looks that way.”
“I’m good, Ladybug,” she said quietly.
His arms loosened around her, and she slid onto the cushion beside Franny.
“It could have been either one of us or both of us,” she gulped.
“You baked this morning?” Tank drew her attention back to him.
“Was the oven working?”
“It worked just fine when I used it. When Franny massacred the pizza, she said it wasn’t working right.”
“Slow leak,” Ladybug surmised.
“The explosion would have taken out anyone in the kitchen,” Franny whispered in shock.
“It must have happened when Rose decided to go outside by herself. Everyone was looking for her. If I were going to tamper with something, that would have been when I would have done it. He waited, biding his time until it blew,” Vulture muttered.
“Did you?” Rose asked.
The room fell silent at her accusation.
“I was in the storeroom when you were on your call. I heard you. Are you the one selling them out? If so, I hope it was worth it. These people are a family. A big, loud, dysfunctional family. Birdy, you are the vice president. I heard you giving updates. You were sending information to someone trying to hurt the club. That should be a one-way trip to the cabin.” Rose was so worked up she couldn’t stop.
“I want to be there when they all get to take a swing at you because, let me tell you, I want my turn. Who shoves someone into a wall? If you are going to do that, at least tell the person you fed information to how to get into the wall. Do you know what standing in the dark for hours in a body-sized space is like? News flash. It’s not fun.”
“Then some idiot comes in. He knew where the hiding spot was but had no idea how to open the door. What? Did you forget to tell him how to get in, or was he not smart enough to listen to directions?”
“He knew where the door was?” Tank interrupted her tirade.
“Yes, but he didn’t know how to open it. It was pure dumb luck he got it open. He kicked it and beat on it before he got out a knife to pry it open. It was by chance he released the latch.”
“Rosey, you didn’t recognize the guy?”
“Nope. Never seen him before in my life.”
“You’re sure?” Tank questioned.
“Oh yeah,” she chuckled. “He was there the last time someone tried to pry me out of a wall. It happens so often that it slipped my mind.”
“Call them and get them here,” Tank ordered Vulture. “Tell them I said now.”
Vulture nodded and left.
“Wait,” Rose shook her head. “You are just going to send him to call someone after what I told you?”
“Vulture is loyal.”
“Bunny, did you get hit in the head?”
“He hasn’t done a thing I haven’t known about.”
Rose opened her mouth to demand an explanation when Tank called for church. Men funneled into the meeting room, leaving her with Franny on the couch. Two men stationed themselves at the front door, and two more stood at the hole that used to be the kitchen.
“What just happened?”