Page 38 of The Warren Effect
“Vulture isn’t the mole. He was with Tank while they were searching for you. You should have seen his face when he came through the back door. Vulture was pale. I have seen that man do some things that would land him in jail for life, and he was never that worried. He was scared when you were missing. Your Birdy didn’t have time to mess with the oven because he was searching for you.
Vulture and my old man served together. They have been best friends since diapers. There is no way that man sold this club and his best friend out for a few truckloads of boosted cars. I don’t know who he was on the phone with when you heard him, but it had to have been club business.”
“Cars, huh?”
“Exotics, hard to find, vintage, or a customer that says I want that one and have the cash to back it up.”
“There is a good market for that?”
“Well, we aren’t broke,” Franny shrugged.
Rose’s mind reeled. “If Birdy isn’t running his mouth, who is? Why do they want me? I mean, I could see if they wanted you, but me, that is strange. Maybe they thought it was you in the wall.”
“Let it go,” Franny squeezed her leg. “Save your breath. They will clam up tight, mumble something about club business, and walk away.”
“How often does this kind of thing happen?”
“Every few years, someone gets a bug up their ass about something. The feds raided the clubhouse looking for underage girls once. That was why they decided to help the cult relocate. We are out here where no one can bother us, but somehow people manage to do it.”
“They do that?” Rose recoiled in disgust.
“A couple of them like to be called daddy, but not like that.”
Rose giggled. She couldn’t help it. The day had overwhelmed her. Thinking of someone calling Ladybug daddy was just too much.
“I suppose there is one good thing that came out of this,” Franny smirked.
“Oh, yeah. And what is that?”
“We aren’t cooking dinner.”
“Amen to that, sister,” Rose dissolved into giggles. She leaned against Franny, laughing until the tears ran down her face.
Chapter 12
“This is the life,” Brooks whistled. “Did you see that infinity pool? How much do you think that set him back?”
“Asshole stole money from the Cubans, attempted to rape a woman, and beat her.”
“Oh, he is going to die,” Brooks agreed without hesitation. “Slowly and painfully. I’m just saying I wish we had the time to enjoy the place before we made a mess.”
“Five hours ‘til dark,” Warren strategized. “The most obvious point of entry is the doors on the east side of the estate. No lights and flimsy locks.”
“In, out, and done. Just like we planned. Smash and grab, or do you have something in mind?”
Warren thought for a minute. They were hunkered down on the edge of the property. An intimidating-looking fence must have set him back a lot, but the security system consisted of leftover pieces and parts wired together. Their target thought he didn’t need anything better because he had the protection of the Cubans. Dumb bastard.
His contact didn’t care how it happened as long as it was done. It wasn’t like there would be a shortage of suspects with a man as reputable as their mark. Not many questions would be asked if it looked like a burglary gone wrong. Quick and easy. One less thieving pervert in the world.
Warren scrolled through the list of assets on his phone. The mark had an extensive art collection. Nothing he wanted. The guy seemed to be into the ugly shit. Just because it was expensive didn’t mean it should be on the wall. Rose would lose her shit if he brought home something so ugly. His chest constricted when his thoughts turned to her.
“Jewelry,” he coughed, rubbing his chest. “Easiest to take and get rid of later.”
“Got it. His and hers?”
“Just his. I would lay money hers is costume. He isn’t going to part with cash for her.”
“Good thing today is his last day.”