Page 63 of The Warren Effect
“Alive isn’t fine, asshole. How are we supposed to get a trade when they are damaged goods?”
“Warren isn’t going to care what shape she is in as long as she is breathing,” Lucas scoffed. “That other guy should have been more careful where he left his wife.”
“You are the dumbest mother fucker I have ever met. Do you not realize who we are dealing with?”
“Some washed-up security guard and a biker with a god complex, what does it matter? Aren’t you supposed to be all big and bad? Look, I did my part. I did what you wanted. My debt is satisfied. I’m out.”
Rose couldn’t believe it. Lucas was leaving her here to deal with this on her own. Once again, she was a means to an end for him. Bastard.
“Like father like son,” she muttered.
“How are we even?” The big guy raged.
Rose held her breath when he aimed his deadly glare at Lucas.
“I’m done.”
“You are done when I say you’re done.”
“Fuck you,” Lucas screamed.
Rose’s stomach clenched when the giant of a man grinned. She knew what was going to happen, and her brother didn’t have a clue. “Damn you, Lucas,” she whispered.
The shot echoed off the crumbling buildings before fading into the distance. Lucas’ body hit the ground before Rose could flinch away from the sight. Staring at the ground below her with tears streaming down her face, she willed Lucas to get up. A pool of blood soaked into the dirt beneath him. The gaping hole in his chest ensured he wasn’t getting up.
Rose clamped a hand over her mouth as she tried to think. Every instinct in her screamed at her to run. Her brain clicked into survival mode, overruling her panic. Running was the wrong choice. She had to think of something else. Franny couldn’t run. Rose wasn’t about to leave her. She had no idea which way was home. Wandering around the desert was not the best option. The best option was to stand her ground and wait for backup.
“Warren, you had better get your ass here before I have to do this all by myself.”
“Get back here.”
His angry command cut through what was left of her panic. There was no use in wishing for help that wasn’t going to get here in time. Their captor was on his phone calling in reinforcements. Who knew how many others were coming? One thing was certain. It wasn’t looking good for her and Franny. She needed a real plan fast.
Scooting back from the edge of the roof, Rose looked around her. There was nothing. Nothing but a roof that was crumbling and a ladder that led back into the oven. Rose patted her pockets, praying for a miracle knife to appear. Even a little one would be wonderful. She could do a lot of damage with a small blade. There was nothing. Her pockets were empty.
Her fingertips tapped her sides as her mind raced for a solution. When they scraped against the leather of her belt, a light bulb went off. It wasn’t a good plan. It wasn’t even a plan she was sure she could pull off, but it was the best she had.
Rose listened as she silently slipped the belt through the loops of her jeans. Wrapping it around her hands, she clenched it tight enough for the leather to bite into her palms. Nervous energy shook her body. Rose closed her eyes. An odd sense of calm overcame her. She scooted closer to the ledge and waited for her prey.
Sweat dripped into her eyes and ran down her face to soak into her shirt. Rose ignored it, focusing on the monumental task in front of her. The static in her mind and the overwhelming thump of her heartbeat faded into the background as she listened for her chance. She scanned the area surrounding them. All she could see was barren dirt and cactus. It looked like she had to start this battle on her own.
“Warren is coming,” she assured herself. “He isn’t going to let you die out here. Warren, Bunny, Birdy, Ladybug, and the rest of the zoo are coming. You just have to hold down the fort until they get here. You can do this. Remember what he taught you.”
Her pep talk was cut off when the wooden ladder creaked under the weight of the man who shot Lucas. She had no idea who he was. It didn’t matter. He orchestrated her abduction and shot up the compound. He wasn’t climbing up to have tea and cookies with her and Franny.
Rose clenched the belt tighter. Her heart raced as he climbed higher. She held her breath when he was a foot away from her. This was her chance. He was too busy mumbling under his breath about Lucas to notice her until it was too late.
Rose sprang up from her hiding place. The man reared back at her sudden appearance. He grabbed for the ladder to regain his balance, but she was faster. Leaning over the edge of the roof, Rose wrapped the belt around his neck and pulled hard. She wedged her feet between the roof and the ledge and let herself fall backward until her butt hit the hot roof. Rose yanked as hard as she could.
The man thrashed. His gurgled curses promised retribution as he struggled to get away. The ladder jumped as he kicked. The old wood cracked but stayed in place. The more he struggled, the harder she strained to keep the belt wrapped around her hands. A cry tore from her lips when he grabbed the leather cutting into his neck. Rose knew it was a losing effort. He was stronger than she was. He fought harder, making the leather bite into her hands.
Rose tightened her grip. She couldn’t let go. It was her only weapon. Their only way to fight back. Her muscles burned and begged for relief. The belt around his neck got tighter. Rose refused to release it. Her legs quivered under the strain while she struggled to keep her hold tight. Blood began to drip down her hands, making the leather slippery.
“No,” Rose cried, heaving with everything she had.
“Bitch,” he gargled. “You will die when I get up there.”
A shot rang out from somewhere Rose couldn’t see. The belt in her hands snapped taunt. The man was no longer fighting to be freed. She held on as long as she could, supporting his weight. When the belt slipped from her bloody hands, Rose fell back onto the roof, gasping for air and clutching her hands to her chest.