Page 64 of The Warren Effect
“Rose,” Franny screamed.
“Up here.”
“What happened? Is someone shooting at us?”
“I don’t know.”
Rose rolled onto her stomach and crawled to the lookout. She scanned the horizon. The sun was so bright it made looking out over the red dirt nearly impossible. The faint sound of a rumble made her smile.
“I think they are coming.”
“Good guys or bad guys?” Franny asked.
Rose paused for a second. “Who cares? They’re ours.”
“Of thank fuck. I’m coming up. I want out of this shit hole.”
Rose held the ladder as Franny cautiously climbed to the roof. Holding on to each other, they stood at the ledge, waiting for the rumbling to get closer. A line of bikes and trucks followed by a cloud of dust had tears threatening to fall. Relief washed over her. They were going home.
“They come now,” Franny scoffed as she sniffled.
“We are their women for a reason. Cook, clean, and rescue ourselves. Let’s have weapons next time. I don’t want to do this again without something more than my belt to fight back.”
“We don’t cook,” Franny laughed and then winced. “I’m not signing up to do this again. I vote no next time.”
“I agree. How about we try knitting or something? Who am I kidding? We are never going to knit. We will keep them on their toes for years to come.”
“Morally grey all the way.”
Rose laughed until tears ran down her dirt-covered cheeks.
“Is he alive?”
“Oh shit. I didn’t even look. Some criminals we are.”
Rose peered over the edge. The man was sitting against the side of the building, holding his stomach.
“Doesn’t look like it killed him.”
“He is going to shoot at our guys when they get close enough.”
“I’m not cut out for this shit.”
Rose looked around. There was nothing there.
“What if we tried to break off a chunk of the roof? It is already crumbling in spots.”
“Very stone age, but I like it,” Rose nodded.
Together, they worked to pry a few chunks off around a spot that was precariously held together.
“They are almost here,” Franny said.
“We pelt him with these when they are close enough for him to shoot. Aim for the head. Maybe we will get lucky.”
“I want the biggest tub I can get installed in my bathroom after this. The one with all the jets. I want it big enough to be a swimming pool.”
“Bunny will get right on that,” Rose assured her as they carried the pieces of dried mud and mortar to the ledge.