Page 117 of Devastate Me
A hand trailed across my shoulders and down the center of my back before wrapping around my waist. I looked down to see that it was Scout before she pushed her body against me in a full-on side hug. I stepped to the side and knocked over a barstool in the process. After leaning down and snatching the thing up, I shoved it back into place before turning to her.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
She took a step back, shocked by the way I was speaking to her. “I don’t understand.”
“You’re a fucking club member now, not a club girl. Even when you were a club girl, you refused to fuck with taken men, so what the fuck are you doing?”
“I thought you could use a hug,” she whimpered and sniffled back the emotion that looked ready to swamp her. I didn’t let her near-tears affect me though.
“That shit is off limits.”
“I’ve seen you hug Kip and Prez, and a few other brothers besides. I’m somehow different from them?”
“Yeah, you fucking are. This is one of those consequences of going from being a club girl to a member that Tripp tried to warn you about. We’ve fucked before. I’ve never fucked Kip or Prez or any other man in this clubhouse. Had I done so, they’d be off fuckin’ limits, too. I’m still struggling to get my woman back and this is the kind of shit that will make her not trust me.”
“I’m sorry, Break. I didn’t think of it like that.”
“No?” I questioned. “Well, you should have, or did you forget about the showdown in the parking lot when you were hanging all over me in front of her? First time I’d seen my woman in months, and you had your hands locked around me like you had a claim. I was too stunned by her showing up again then to even notice, but she did. Then, I fucked up by yelling at her for calling you out on it.”
Scout took another step away from me. “I thought we were friends,” she muttered. “I’ve always been like that with my friends. Girls, boys, it never mattered.”
“You’re not stupid, Scout. You know it matters now, so don’t do it. Things can’t be the same because we’ve fucked. Nova knows that, and so does every other fucker in this place. You need to remember that. If for no other reason, you need to remember it for your own sake. None of these men will respect you as a ‘brother’ if you’re hanging on them like a club girl.”
“Jesus, Breakneck!” She hissed.
“Sorry, Scout, but it’s the damn truth and you know it.”
She nodded her head. “Yeah, I know. I just really needed a hug too after seeing everything that went down with Kip and Ashlynn out there today. She ruined us on purpose and then whored herself out to everyone else anyway. What was the fucking point in tearing us apart if she didn’t even get him to protect her?”
“I don’t know the answers to that, honey, but you’re looking for them in the wrong place. You need to talk to Kip. He’s going to need someone to be there for him.”
She laughed. “He has Nova now, too. And with Ash out of the picture, Star will dive back in like she did out there today.”
“That’s true, but neither of them are the woman he’s been in love with for years. Think on that, and then make sure you’re the woman he needs when he’s ready for you.”
“Yeah,” she huffed and turned away. I didn’t have it in me to chase after her because I hadn’t lied. It couldn’t be me who offered her comfort, for so many reasons. The biggest one of all being Nova. She needed me now, too. That was her sister who was beat to shit in front of her. She heard things that I hadn’t meant for her to hear. Her father had taken advantage of Ash. Even though Ash didn’t know at the time that they were related, I was pretty sure Mal knew who he was to her.
That sick fuck went there anyway and then turned her out to every fucker from our little town of Danville to Augusta and on down to the Florida panhandle who could afford time with her. It made me sick to think that Nova was meant to suffer that same fate. She was meant for far worse unless Malcolm was willing to swoop in and pull her out of the corpse fucker’s clutches.
I shook off that thought because Nova was safe. Dave was dead and Mal didn’t have much left of his life. The minute that rodent surfaced again, we were going to pop his fucking head from his body to make sure he was never able to rise again.
I quickly walked outside and ran into Trench standing there on the back stoop. “Wild night,” he said.
“Yup,” I agreed.
“Heard that shit go down with Scout just now. You were right to set her straight. There have been rumblings about how we all made a mistake voting her in. Know she’s good at what she does with the computers and shit, but the men are worried about what will happen when she starts sleeping with brothers for votes about other shit.”
“Fuck me, I do not have time for this. Squash that shit if you hear it again. That ain’t even what Scout is about and you know it. I put her in her place because she hasn’t clued in that she needs to be different as a member yet. It’s just growin’ pains, not some big fucking conspiracy.”
Trench laughed. “Hey, brother, not saying it is. Just telling you the rumblings.”
“Whatever. Squash it if you hear it again.”
“Will do.”
“Can you hold the fort down with Grady for a bit? I need to go check on my woman and all the other officers are otherwise occupied tonight.”
“You know I will. Tell Nova I said, ‘Hi’.”