Page 118 of Devastate Me
“Don’t think I will, brother.” He laughed, but I was serious. “She knows you were there that night. If you think she has a problem forgiving me, she blames you just as much for being there. She sees what you did as a betrayal that she put on the club as a whole. Good luck getting my girl to ever speak to you again.”
“She forgave you, why would she hold a grudge against me?”
“Only forgave me because I held a piece of her heart before I fucked shit up. You didn’t, so she doesn’t owe it to herself to try again.”
“That’s some bullshit,” Trench complained.
“It is what it is, man.”
“You don’t think she’ll cause problems for Mitzi and Dee do you?”
I shook my head. “Nah. She said they were the only two who looked guilty for being in that room. Don’t think she’ll be inclined to carry on a conversation with either of them, but I’d bet my pay for the month that she won’t go out of her way to be mean either.”
“That’s good,” he said and then went back to join the others by the fire. I turned to leave.
When I got to Mack’s place all the lights were on and Kip’s bike was parked out front beside Mack’s. Nova’s car was still there, so I went ahead on up and knocked on the door.
“Hey man,” Mack said as he opened it wider once he realized it was me. “Everything good at the clubhouse?”
“Yeah, Trench and Grady have shit handled.”
Mack looked worried for a minute and then blew out a breath. “Fuck it’s been a long night. Part of me wants to go check in while Tripp’s away, but the other part of me says, ‘fuck it’.” He closed the door behind me and then smiled as he offered to get me a beer.
I declined. “Nova’s still around, yeah?”
Mack grinned at me. “She is. They just got Knox to sleep. I think Kip’s going to crash here with him for the night, if you want to head on back to the house with Nova, you’ll have it to yourselves tonight.”
That made me chuckle because I knew exactly what he was insinuating. “Thanks for the head’s up.”
“Any time, brother.” He narrowed his eyes on me then as his fingers clamped tight to my shoulder. “So long as you never fuck her over like that again. Next time, it’ll be me helping her get lost and to stay that way, you hear me?”
“Yeah. Fuck, I hear you and everyone else. She’s going to be my old lady one day, as soon as she’ll agree to it, and I’m pleased as fuck you all think so highly of her.”
“But?” Mack asked.
“There’s no ‘but’. Pleased as fuck that you all have her back. I want it to stay that way. Her above me, always.”
Mack nodded his head and smiled at me. “Lookie there, you finally grew up and understood what I’ve been telling you assholes all along. Shit might just work out for you after all.”
“Hey,” Nova said as she came around the corner with her bag slung over her shoulder. “I was just about to head out.”
“I’ll ride with you.”
“You don’t have to. I know it’s been a long night for everyone.”
“Gonna ride with you, sweetness.”
She ducked her head, but I didn’t miss the smile on her face before it was hidden behind the golden curtain of her hair.
She drove her car and I followed on my Harley all the way to Kip’s place. Once we were there, I had her park inside Kip’s garage, so that we could be sure her car and my bike would both be safe from anyone who might be lurking around outside.
We came in through the door in the kitchen, and once the house was locked up, we sat down at the table and sort of stared at one another for a few minutes. Neither of us seemed to know where to start.
“I can’t believe that happened tonight, or that you knew already,” she finally said.
“I tried to tell you that I was working on something, but it was important to keep it under wraps.”