Page 21 of Devastate Me
“You know the club bitches get tested regularly. Do you hear me lecturing your ass about the one and only ice queen pussy you’re tapping?” I punched his shoulder to seal my point in with a little pain.
“Fine!” Kip threw his arms up in the air and then turned to leave. “Let’s get this shit done. This fucker needs to pay for even thinking of messing with someone like Mary.”
“Mary, huh? Maybe it’s you who needs to remember your nanny’s name.”
“Fuck! This is why I hate you!”
I grinned as I started up my V-Rod. She was a custom ride with a silver-dip paint job that made her shine in the light like the gorgeous fucking star of the show that she was. The handlebars were trimmed low and lean like the street bikes I raced while still having the laid-back appeal typical of Harley cruisers.
In keeping everything streamlined, there was no bitch seat on the back and not even enough fender for someone to ride it. My beauty was a solo machine and the only commitment I was willing to make. Then again, I had other bikes, too. There were the ones I raced along with a Dyna Glide that was getting on in years. I hardly used her because she could equip a passenger and that shit was not happening. The one and only woman to ride behind me had been my mother before she passed.
We rode out, and let the fucking wind take everything away like it always did. There were no fucking worries when I was on one of my bikes. Just speed, wind, and the roar of the engine. It was my peace. Un-fucking-fortunately, it didn’t last near long enough. The ride to the run-down, beat-to-shit Victorian home was too short to put me in my happy place, so this fucker – whoever he was – would take the brunt of my frustrations.
“I still can’t believe Virgin Mary was living here,” I said as we got off our bikes. Even I wanted to cringe at the nickname I’d inadvertently given her to hide the one I really used when I thought about her. My sweetness would never live in squaller like this again, and sure as fuck would not have to worry about Creepy Fuckin’ Dave bothering her.
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“She doesn’t look like the type that grew up in this kind of squaller.”
“Remember, I said there was an issue with family and money. It’s why she needed the job, to pay for her last two semesters of college. I’m guessing she didn’t always live like this.”
“Hmm.” I had already thought about all the possible scenarios when he’d mentioned that to me before. None of it seemed to matter anymore when the fuckwad, dickweasel who had been giving my sweetness a hard time opened the door.
The person who greeted us was not at all who I was expecting. I pictured a greasy, weaselly bastard. The asshole who stepped out of the house could have been an extra on an old school 1950s television show. He wore a checkered, button-up shirt in pastel colors, thick framed glasses, and khaki pants with brown fucking loafers. His hair was slicked back with product, and he appeared the put-together momma’s boy I’m sure he was trying to portray.
I didn’t miss the fucking calculating, watchful eyes though. “You renting to a girl named Nova?” I asked.
His shoulders stiffened and that was all the answer I needed to know. Not that I needed an answer to want to kick his pansy ass from now into next Tuesday.
“What’s she done? She only rents a room from me. I don’t have any part in her business.”
“How about the part where you watched herdoher business?” I asked, the words tight as they left my mouth. Kip hadn’t thought about the fact that his nanny might have showered at the local gym, but she had to use the toilet somewhere. If this guy had cams in the shower stall, they were probably in other, more subtle places, as well.
“W-w-what?” The asshole stuttered as Kip turned to meet my gaze. It was after he took a leak in the bathroom earlier that the thought occurred to me that his dick might be in this fuckwad’s spank bank now.
“Fuck!” The word was hissed under Kip’s breath as he realized we were here for more than giving this fucker an ass whooping. We needed to find out what kind of videos he had, how many, and exactly what the fuck he’d been doing with them.
I stepped closer and the little shit at the door immediately moved backward. “Don’t give a fuck what kind of perv you are, we need to see her room, see if she has our shit in there.” No point tipping the fucker off to our actual plans. Getting into the house without forcing our way in during broad daylight was the best option.
“What kind of shit?”
“That’s not your fucking concern,” I spat at him.
“I think you should wait until Nova comes back.”
Kip shook his head and moved closer to the porch. “Nah, not gonna do that. We’re already here now.”
“She takes everything with her when she leaves,” the rat bastard told us.
“How the fuck would you know that?” I asked through gritted teeth. Unless the asshole did inventory in her room after she left, there was no way for him to know except with the cameras he’d placed. The lamp facing her bed came to mind and I started to see red.
“We’re taking anything she left behind,” Kip told the douche at the same time.
“No way. I should call the police.”
I laughed so hard that there was no doubt the asshole could feel the boom of vibration from where he stood. “That’s rich! The fucking pervert with the cameras in the shower thinks it will go well when he invites the police to come by for a check-in!”
Kip and I wasted no more time, even though the scared little prick scurried into his house and threw the door shut, he was no match for either of us. One boot to the door and the frame splintered then buckled beneath the pressure. I had my fingers wrapped around his scrawny neck before he could mutter another fucking word. Kip immediately began a search for the asshole’s video equipment.