Page 22 of Devastate Me
“So, you like spying on innocent little girls, huh?” My sweetness might have been innocent, but she was far from a little girl. I knew that, but it didn’t mean this asshole really knew fuck-all about her. “You know she’s underage? That’s child porn you’re peddling.” Yeah, I wasn’t above lying to assholes or needling them. What I didn’t expect was to see his eyes flare with interest.
“Oh, I see, that’s your kink. She fit the bill because she’s short, mousy, and innocent looking, huh?”
The asshole grinned, unable to hold it in, even as I had my hand wrapped around his neck. His eyes shifted to the room that Kip tore apart.
“You don’t have to wreck things. I will share what I have,” the fucker rasped.
“You’ll share? That a regular thing for you? You share your footage?”
He attempted to shake his head but couldn’t because of the hold I still had on his pencil neck. “No way, that’s how you get caught. Since you’re here though, there’s no digital footprint for anyone to trace.” He reached up, with what must have been balls of fucking steel, and tapped a finger to my 1% patch.
I nodded twice before increasing the pressure on his neck with my fingers. Then, I let my other fist fly directly into the motherfucker’s dick. That had been a mistake because the asshole had a hard-on.
“You got a thing for kids? Young girls? Innocent women? You think because I wear that patch, it means we do, too?”
His eyes rounded in surprise even as his face contorted with the pain of being punched in the dick. “S-s-s-sorry,” he whimpered as his knees hit the floor when I released my hold on him.
My boot met his face next, and I watched with satisfaction as a tooth flew from his mouth as his head snapped back. “What was that? You’re sorry? Fuck you! You little fucking scavenger. Who owns this house?”
The whimpering little maggot couldn’t answer because he was too busy spitting up blood. No matter, we had people in the club who could tell me everything I needed to know. The club was about to take ownership of another house. The only problem with this one was all the skeletons we would eventually find buried there.
“Call for a prospect to come in a cage to pick up the trash. We’re going to need to hang onto him for a bit,” Kip called out.
“Why is that?”
“Snuff?” My head shot back as I questioned his assessment. “You serious?”
Kip made his way back out to the living room where Creepy Fucking Dave was rolling on the floor in pain. He kicked him as he drew closer. “I found this shit,” Kip growled as he passed some photos to me.
“Fucking hell! You were serious?” I flipped through more photos until I got to the end of the rapid-click collection that formed a sort of moving picture when they were shuffled through quickly. It was a young girl, had to be early teens – if that. By the final picture, the life had drained from her eyes. They wore that vacant sheen that only death left in its wake.
“Are you calling Prez?” Kip nodded at my question before turning away from the maggot on the floor. “I called a prospect to come collect our fucking prisoner so he could be taken in for questioning.”
I didn’t get my ride. Didn’t get a fight either because the pathetic mass of goo at my feet didn’t even bother to duck, much less fight back. It was beginning to look like fucking was off the table, too. Not only because my time would be consumed with sorting through the mess Virgin Mary had inadvertently dropped us in, but because I was too disgusted by what we found to even think about getting my dick hard, let alone sticking it anywhere. All three of my outlets for blowing off steam were taken from me, but I’d have to deal with the frustration because it meant my sweetness was safe and wouldn’t be another one of this asshole’s victims.
“Your girl is lucky as fuck you needed a live-in nanny.”
“Tell me about it,” Kip huffed before he turned his attention back toward the call he was on with his father, our chapter president. When he finished up, he turned to stare at the house, as if it would give him all the answers he needed.
“I need to get back to my house before Ash shows up and starts shit with the nanny. Prez has someone there watching over her and Knox for now. Considering what we just found, she’ll either need to be put on lockdown or kept under guard until we can make this bastard talk.”
“Fuck man, don’t care what’s going on. I promised that girl a date tonight, and I’m still going to take her out before her world is fucked all to hell.”
“You’re the fucking knuckle dragger for the club, man. She’ll be safe with you, so I don’t think anyone will argue that.”
“Fucking knuckle dragger,” I grumbled as I tipped the toe of my foot down on Creepy Fucking Dave’s throat.
Kip smirked at me. “Knuckle Dragger, Enforcer, it’s all the same thing.” He moved closer to the door he’d been staring at. “I’m going to check something out.” The minute Kip stuck his hand out like he was going to touch the doorknob, the fucker beneath my foot started squirming like crazy.
“Seems like this fucker doesn’t want you opening that door. Maybe that’s the closet where his skeletons are buried.”
“Funny, because that’s just what I was thinking.” Kip opened it and seemed shocked at first. “It’s a fucking basement.”
“We’re in South Georgia, man. We don’t have basements here.”
“This asshole sure does.” Kip took a few steps down, stopped and mumbled, “Holy fucking shit,” and then ran down the rest of the way. I wanted to go see what the fuck he found, but it was more important to make sure I kept the asshole whose throat was beneath my boot secured.