Page 23 of Devastate Me
“What did you find?”
“Nothing fucking good, man. Remind me to tell little Mary just how lucky she was when I get back to the house.”
“Mary, huh?” I tried to fuck with him about the fact that he was calling her that now, too. Kip didn’t respond though.
“All good or do I need to knock this son of a bitch out and come down there?”
Feet clomped up the stairs and Kip hacked a couple times, gagging over whatever he’d seen down there. “We were right,” he huffed while trying to catch his breath.
“That’s where he hides his skeletons all right, but I think he does a lot more than just hide them. The sick fucker visits them and…” Kip gagged again. That was when I knew it was bad because the only other time I ever saw evidence that he might have even the slightest bit of a weak stomach was the shit factory explosion his son caused in the back of my truck the day we met his nanny.
“Kip, what the fuck is going on?”
“He’s been killing them, keeping their corpses, and from the looks of it, fucking them long after they were dead.”
“What the absolute fuck?” I growled as my toes tipped down heavier on the asshole’s neck again. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Yeah, man. There’s an array of tech down there that I don’t understand. Wires everywhere,” he quickly called out his assessment. “I’m guessing they’re from cameras, but it seems like there’s more than just the bathroom.”
“Fucking hell!” It was bad enough to know that Nova probably hadn’t been able to take a piss where she lived without being filmed, but to know that I’d been right about the bastard watching her sleep, dress, and anything else she did in her room made my blood boil.
“You’re going to have to get your guy on this, I think,” Kip ordered, then thought better of it. “Actually, we’ll need to wait for Prez’s okay on that, considering the nature of shit going down here, he might want to keep everything in house.”
“We’ll check with Prez, first. Might need another man sitting on the front and back of the house until we can figure out what the fuck we’re doing with it and everything we found though.”
“Already texted Mack and Tripp.” Kip shook his head. “That sick fuck has a lot to answer for.” He pointed at the bastard who stunk to high heaven as he pissed himself for a second time.
“Prospect is going to hate transport duty today.”
“Just make sure whoever shows up knows to take this shit seriously and get him back to the clubhouse in one fucking piece and able to speak.” Kip glanced down at where my foot had been intermittently applying pressure to the assholes throat. “At the very least make sure he’s still able to write his answers to our question. Might want to ease up there, Break. We need the cocksucker breathing. For now.”
I sat down at the bar, needing a drink after we got back from that freakshow house of horrors.
“You look incredibly tense, Break. What’s up?”
“Kip and I went back,” I groused to Scout.
“Back where?”
I glanced up and over my shoulder where Scout stood, and instead of leaving her there, I pulled her around to sit on the stool beside me.
“You know who his nanny is? The one I asked you to run a check on,” I clarified needlessly as Scout nodded. “Well, she was renting a room in this asshole’s house of motherfuckin’ horrors.”
“So, she wasn’t homeless then?”
“Turns out, she was showering at the gym because he’d been bugging her to shower at the house. Girl was smart enough to be suspicious and looked around the shower. She found something that seemed out of place, thought it might be a camera, and refused to shower there anymore. She thought he was watching her with just one camera.”
“The pervert had a camera in her shower?”
I shook my head. “No. The motherfucker had three in the shower alone, and more stashed through the house.”
“Were they connected to a live feed?”
“Don’t know. Why? Shit, not even sure how to tell something like that.”