Page 33 of Devastate Me
“Oh! Yeah, I guess you did. Anything pop up on the house front?”
“No, and don’t try to change the subject. What’s with Nova’s family situation?”
“That car was formerly owned by Clark Anderson. He signed it over to her when she turned sixteen. Jeremy Williamson never bought her a car. Everything she owned, that Jeremy bought for her, was confiscated by the family’s goon squad toward the end of spring semester this year. She was kicked out of her apartment with nothing but the clothes on her back, from the accounts that I heard when I went out there to ask around. All she was allowed to take with her was a book bag with a change of clothing in it. They took everything else. Clothes, shoes, her laptop that had her schoolwork on it, the apartment, her schoolbooks. Everything.”
“They took her fucking schoolbooks?”
“Yeah. I don’t think the father, or the man she thought was her father, knew about what happened. He was out of the country. The goon squad belonged to his parents.”
“I still don’t understand why she was disowned. What did she do?”
“She didn’t do anything. Her mother did.”
“What the fuck did her mother do that affected her daughter like that?”
“She had an on-going affair with Clark Anderson. Jeremy Williamson found out that he wasn’t the girl’s biological father. It’s been said that Anderson is, but I don’t think an official test was ever done to determine that legally. I couldn’t find a trace of one.”
“Damn.” No wonder the girl doesn’t trust leaving her few belongings behind anywhere.
“That’s fucked up, but I was able to find out that she worked three jobs over the summer just to get the money for this semester of college and whatever Kip is paying her, she plans to put toward the next semester. She doesn’t have far to go to graduate.”
“I guess no one thought how the news would bother the girl, finding out her family wasn’t really hers. Then, they betrayed her because of what her mom did. That’s some shit. Sounds like I should pay them all a visit.”
“I figured you would say something like that. Tripp asked that everyone stay away from her family for now and not make waves.”
“They’re influential, obviously?” I asked with a roll of my eyes.
“They might as well own the whole damn town and the three counties surrounding us, plus a chunk of Atlanta while we’re talking,” she confirmed.
“That about sums it up. So, back to the other shit, did you see anything last night?”
“No, why?”
“Because a small ping came into the computer you left running in that house. I’m trying to trace it, but I think it was just someone testing whether the douchebag would respond.”
“Let me know immediately if you see any other activity.”
“Of course.” I got ready to leave and head back to the clubhouse when Scout stopped me. “Did he leave with her yet?”
“Nope. He put her and the kid up in his room for now,” I tipped my head toward her car. “As soon as numb nuts there gets finished with the Toyota, she’ll be able to leave. Not sure if Kip will tail them or not.”
“Can you text me when they’re gone? I’d rather not head back over there until then.”
“You know I will.”
Scout and Kip’s problem was that they let other people interfere in what they could have had. I didn’t plan on going down that road and giving that kind of power to anyone. It was why I’d never thought about settling down. Why I suddenly pictured Nova with my baby in her belly and one of ours in her arms, the way she carried Knox around was something fucking else. If I could get her to agree to be my woman, the mother of my kids, and not give a fuck when I turned to the club girls for my darker needs, I’d think about settling down.
Something in my gut told me she would never go for that. After learning about her mother’s betrayal and how that landed on Nova’s shoulders, I could understand her reluctance to alternative lifestyles. That was laughable because I didn’t know what her stance would be on anything, since she hadn’t given me a chance to find out. I was determined to change that shit. There was no way to get her off my mind until I could get her underneath me. That was all there was to it. I’d fuck her out of my system and give her something to aspire to with whatever fuckwad she managed to trick into settling down with her in a few years.
No. Fuck that. I couldn’t even stand to think of her carrying some dickwad’s kids in her belly. If she couldn’t get on board with what I needed to do to relieve stress, then she didn’t have to know about what went on when she wasn’t around. It was the perfect solution, so everyone could be happy.
Connie strolled up to me and grabbed my dick as it grew hard while my thoughts were focused on putting babies in Nova’s belly. She lost most of the clothing she’d been wearing before we got busy on the couch.
“Your fingers were fun, but not enough,” she explained rather enticingly, considering the effort she put into groping my cock.
“Yeah? You ready to be fucked hard?” The last two weeks going without pussy had been difficult for a man like me. I wanted Nova but was pissed that I’d been missing out on fucking while trying to figure out how to handle her ass. Connie was just the woman I needed to work out those frustrations with, so that I could think with a clear head before confronting the sweet little nanny with my proposition.