Page 34 of Devastate Me
Just as I was about to join Connie in my room, I saw two prospects talking by her door. The kid from the garage was there, which meant he must have passed me by as Connie was trying to entice me into another round.
I overheard them talking about the horror show Nova had unknowingly lived in, and then I realized that the door to Kip’s room was cracked open just a bit, which meant the careless fucknuts were probably cluing her into some shit we were trying to keep from her so she didn’t lose it completely.
Chapter 16
“The guy was a fucking serial killer!”
The conversation taking place outside of Kip’s room wasn’t something I was meant to overhear. Since my employers dumped me in the clubhouse to watch their son, and my car was on the fritz, it was as unavoidable as seeing Breakneck and those women together. If not for the club stuff that freaked me out a little, the place was nicer than the apartment Jeremy had rented for me, and leaps and bounds above my one-room in Creepy Dave’s house.
The bedroom Knox and I occupied looked a little like a long-term stay hotel suite with a kitchenette, bathroom, a queen-sized bed, dresser, and a small two-seater couch with a coffee table that had seen better days. On closer inspection, everything looked as though it might have been second-hand or simply that old and used well past its prime. That only added to the hotel quality of the space.
The walls were a little yellowed, no doubt from years of people smoking in the enclosed space. Someone had recently made an attempt at airing the room out, or at least masking the stale smell that lingered, but they hadn’t done a great job. It ended up an odd, and not endearing, odoriferous mix of stale smoke and lemons.
The baby napped, and I didn’t have any schoolwork to do for once, which left me restless. Unlike in a hotel, there was no television, so there was literally nothing else to do besides listen in on the conversations outside the door. I planned to pop my head out to see if someone could grab me a book or something, but the voice outside stopped me in my tracks.
“So, you’re telling me that Kip’s new babysitter was living with a serial killer who liked to fuck the corpses of his victims that he kept in the basement?”
Those words hit me like a punch to the gut and immediately triggered my gag reflex. There was no way I heard that right. No way.
The door I had cracked open suddenly flung wide open and forced me to shuffle backward, as whoever was on the other side didn’t wait for me to open it, and simply let themselves in. Dammit! I should have never unlocked the thing.
“What are you doing?” It was rather shocking that Breakneck would be the person to come check on me. Less than an hour before, I’d watched him having sex with two women in the bar area where anyone could watch. The man was as confusing as he was troublesome. “You gonna answer me today, or do I need a fuckin’ appointment?”
I rolled my eyes at the crass jerk. That was where the confusion came into play. One minute, he seemed to be doing something nice and then he ruined it with his mouth.
“I was about to stick my head out and see if someone could help me.”
Breakneck surveyed the room quickly before settling his eyes back on me. “What kind of help?”
“I’m bored. The baby is sleeping, I have nothing to do, none of my books are here, there’s no TV, and now I’m really concerned about what I just overheard.”
“That wasn’t for you to hear and I’m not a fucking dancing monkey. Don’t know what kind of entertainment you were expecting,” he scoffed at me.“You’re here for your job, not to get your rocks off, honey.” He looked me up and down a little too quickly before adding to that sentiment. “Though, if you’re really in need, I could throw you my bone.”
I ducked my head, forcing my hair to hide the heat that warmed my cheeks. “Never mind,” I whispered.
“What’s that?” He asked while taking a step closer to me.
“Nothing. Sorry. I just didn’t know I’d be thrown in a room and left here all day with the baby. I didn’t bring anything in with me. Even my phone is in the car.”
My thought trailed off as a woman’s arm wrapped languidly around Breakneck’s chest from somewhere behind him. A hoarse sounding giggle followed. He glanced down and grinned at the bright red talons that scraped across his chest. The man was only wearing one of those tight, ribbed tanks underneath his open cut. Her fingers trailed down to the top of his jeans and managed to pop the button open.
“Listen, Virgin Mary, I don’t have time for this shit. I’ll let Kip know you ain’t happy with the accommodations he’s provided for you.” The gruffness of his voice told me that even that little bit of teasing had him raring to go with whoever the woman was that interrupted our conversation. I worried that his unending stamina might kill him, considering he’d just been with two women only a little while ago.
As the man moved away from the door, I finally caught sight of the woman who sneered at me as she followed Breakneck to wherever he was leading her. She wore a bikini top, though I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why, since one of her nipples was on full display. Below that, she had on a string. Okay, it was probably a G-string pair of panties or bathing suit bottoms, but it had to have been a special order because her lady parts were hugging the string on either side.
My face flushed with warmth as I wondered why she bothered with clothing at all. Her sneer turned into laughter as she watched my reaction to her state of undress.
“Who brought the judgmental prude to the clubhouse?” She asked Breakneck, and to my complete and total humiliation, he laughed along with her.
“Don’t worry about it, babe. She won’t be around long.”
I guessed she was his girlfriend, since he called her ‘babe’, and that almost made me feel bad about the fact that the man had starred in my fantasy just the night before. I didn’t feel bad for her that he had just been with two women out in the open, because she had been one of them. When she spoke again, I decided she didn’t deserve my guilt for my fantasies either.
“Someone needs to get her an education. Did you see the way she was staring at my pussy? I bet she needs tips on how to trim the hedges. She’s probably rockin’ that 1970s porn bush between her legs.”
Breakneck threw his head back in laughter as the woman cackled beside him. Neither of them missed a beat as they continued down the hall, and it was clear that they didn’t care about my feelings one darn bit either.