Page 44 of Devastate Me
“Need some company?”
“No.” Fuck, yeah, I needed the company. Connie had passed out before I could cum earlier that day, Nova had just turned me down because she’d seen that I’d already been with Connie. Twice in one fucking day. My fucking blue balls were screaming at me to take Mitzi and three other women right there in the commons, but there was no way I could do that. Fucking Nova might come out for a drink or something.
“Actually, can you take some bottled water and maybe a coke and some snacks to Kip’s room?”
“Nope,” Mitzi was quick to say.
“What the fuck?”
“I’m not taking the chance that one of these assholes will shoot their mouth off to Ashlynn that I was near her husband’s room. She’s a pain in the ass.”
“His nanny is staying there for the night,” I explained. “She’s probably too freaked out to come out here for anything she needs. Swear to fuck, not a word will get back to Ashlynn. Kip went home with his kid.”
“Fine,” she huffed. I didn’t miss the way Trench watched her.
Once I was seated next to him on a bar stool, I quietly asked what was probably on everyone’s mind lately where those two were concerned. “You gonna claim her?”
“It’s complicated,” he answered before tipping the beer bottle up to his lips and taking a pull on it.
“What the fuck is so complicated that you can’t claim the woman you want?”
“She belongs to our brother.”
“Fuck that. Skully turned her into a club girl long before he got locked up.”
“Yeah? What happens when he gets out and she wants him back? I’m just supposed to let her go, or watch him pimp her out to the other brothers for kicks?”
“No, that’s when you tell the fucker that he can’t have her back.”
“It’s not even about what he wants or what I want. It’s about who she chooses.”
“Then be the better fucking man for her.”
Trench’s glare mellowed out as he thoughtfully took another pull from his beer.
“You going to follow your own advice with Kip’s babysitter?”
“Don’t know that I’m capable of what she wants.”
Trench laughed. “You’re capable of anything you want to happen. Saying you aren’t, is a copout for doing something you know she won’t agree with.”
“Okay, I’ll rephrase. I don’t think she’s capable of giving me what I need, so that means I won’t be able to be faithful the way she wants.”
Trench shook his head. “You never know until you try but do yourself a favor and really think on it before you give that girl promises. From what I’ve seen, she’s not going to be the forgiving type when you eventually fuck up, and especially if you attempt to blame it on her not meeting your needs.”
“She’s a virgin,” I explained.
“So, what?” Trench questioned me. “Being a virgin means you get to teach her everything you like without having to worry about some asshole teaching her wrong before you.”
I laughed, but it came out sounding more like a blow-off. “Being a virgin means I’ll scare her away with what I want.”
“What do you think you want that will scare her off? I’ve never heard anything off the wall crazy about you.”
“I recently bought a butt plug with a horse tail on the end, but I had it custom designed and instead of the tail hair, it has thin leather straps for spanking a bitch while she wears it. It has a matching four-inch cock-shaped ball gag complete with tassels so the woman wearing it can spank another woman’s pussy as she thrusts about, writhing in pleasure and shit.”
Trench nearly spit out the mouthful of beer he had just slugged back. “What the fuck? Can I see it?” Curiosity beamed in his eyes, so I shrugged and stood. “Sure, it’s in my room.”
“Were you using it on Connie when the prospects had to drag her out unconscious?”