Page 45 of Devastate Me
“Nah. I had her in a position that she wasn’t meant to be in for too long. She locked her knees or something.”
“Damn. Isn’t your girl staying in the clubhouse?”
“Yeah, that’s why she wouldn’t fuck me tonight. She saw that bullshit go down in the hallway and earlier in the common room.”
Trench shook his head at me as we walked down the hall. “You’re lucky she even spoke to you after that. It bodes well though,” he suggested.
“How so?”
“You had a conversation about being together, and whether she would fuck you tonight, I’m assuming.” When I nodded, he continued. “Looks like being a virgin didn’t matter. She wasn’t turned off enough by what she saw to turn your ass down flat. Your girl simply had a problem with the proximity of your request to be with her so soon after you were with another woman. That’s understandable. Women can be just as territorial as men.”
The anger I felt toward being denied by my sweetness earlier subsided as Trench’s point of view came across. He was right. She hadn’t said no. Nova had simply told me not after I was just with another woman.
“You might be smarter than you look.”
“Fuck you man!”
“Nah, I prefer bitches,” I joked as I swung my door open and reached into my closet to pull out the box with the custom-made anal plug and ball gag set.
“It’s like a cat o’ nine tails and anal plug all in one. That’s fucking cool as shit.”
“Yeah, it is. Hasn’t been broken in yet either, but I don’t think Virgin Mary will be down for this kind of thing anytime soon.”
“You never know.”
I pulled out the matching ball gag and held it up for him. “Pretty fucking sure this would be pointless if she doesn’t want any other bitches around for playtime.”
“Well, save it for a rainy day. You never know when she might develop an adventurous spirit. Plus, it might not work out and you’ll have it to use with someone else.”
Trench might have been on to something with his idea. Not the bullshit about Nova and me not working out, but the other part. The weird thing was that as excited as I’d been to use that anal plug cat o’ nine tails a few months ago, when I special ordered it, I couldn’t imagine using it with Nova. All my imagination could conjure was missionary, maybe a little doggy style, and her pregnant with my babies. It didn’t bode well that my usual kinks never came to mind while I pictured her.
Chapter 20
Despite the door being locked, I still shoved a chair under the handle so no one could surprise me by coming in. Even if the chair didn’t work as an efficient barrier against anyone, I’d still hear it when it clattered out of the way since the room wasn’t carpeted. With the lock engaged and chair in place, I still slept like crap and wished Kip had just taken me back to his house. It didn’t even occur to me until morning that Charmer had dropped the keys to my car by the room before I lost my shit over what Creepy Dave had been doing in my old house.
A scantily clad woman stopped by my room after Breakneck left to drop some things off to me. She was nice enough, but it made me wonder who he spent his night with. Did he task her to bring me things before she ended up in bed with him? Those thoughts were the other reason I hadn’t been able to sleep well. It felt like we agreed to date one another exclusively right up until the point where I refused to have sex with a man who had just been with another woman only hours prior.
I didn’t understand why Breakneck had gotten angry with my decision either. To be sure, with his insistence that he be the only man I’m with, he wouldn’t want to be with me knowing I’d had sex with another man the same day. It wasn’t fair for him to be mad about that.
I got up and started getting dressed in fresh clothes, though a shower was out of the question because I couldn’t look at it without feeling sick to my stomach. A knock on my door startled me as I pulled my shoe on my foot.
“Nova?” Thankfully, it was Kip who called out to me through the door.
“Give me just a minute.” I rushed to put my other shoe on and then stood to move the desk chair out from under the door handle. Once that was done, I unlocked the door and opened it for Kip.
“Did you have something shoved up against the door?”
“Yes,” I answered honestly.
Kip nodded. “Nova, do whatever you need to, so that you feel secure when you’re here alone. If you have Knox in here with you, I’d rather you didn’t do that, so I can get to him in an emergency.”
“Okay. I only do it when I’m sleeping.”
“I understand, but you need to know that nothing bad will ever happen to you while you are here under my protection.”
“Okay,” I answered, though there was no truth to that statement. Kip could tell.