Page 46 of Devastate Me
“I know you don’t trust everyone here, and that’s okay. It will take time for you to get to know them.”
Panic flared. “Am I being kicked out of your house?”
“No! No, it’s nothing like that. I just figured there would be times, like last night, when you need to be here, rather than at the house. Eventually, you’ll get to know everyone. They won’t hurt you.” I saw the doubt in his eyes as he made the statement.
“Okay, if you needed to worry about anyone here, it isn’t the men. Some of the club women might give you trouble, if they think you’re moving in on one of the club brothers. If they do, you tell me right away, and I’ll take care of them.”
“Take care of them?” It sounded a lot like when Breakneck told me he took care of Creepy Dave, so I had to be sure.
Kip laughed. “This isn’t the mafia. I’m not going to sink them in the lake with cinderblock shoes. I meant, they’ll be put on notice that if they screw up again, they might be banned from the club and lose access to all the brothers. Trust me, that’s all the leverage I need.”
“Is Knox with you?” I asked even though there was no sign of the baby.
“No. Ash took him with her today. I thought you had classes.”
My head bobbed in answer. “I was just putting my shoes on to head out. Where should I go after classes are done, here or the house?”
“The house should be fine.” He turned to leave, but I reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him. “What’s up, Nova?”
“Am I safe?”
“I just told you that there isn’t a man here who would hurt you.”
“No. I mean, am I safe out there?” I threw my hands out to indicate the world, not just the clubhouse. “When I leave here, am I safe to go to school? To your home?” I asked my questions in quick succession. “I don’t ever want to put your son at risk.”
“We haven’t found evidence that Dave was working with anyone, yet.”
“You haven’t found definitive proof that there wasn’t someone else pulling the strings behind the cameras either, though have you?”
Kip shook his head. “I don’t want you to worry. We have a prospect watching you all the time. I didn’t want you to feel weird about being followed, and don’t worry, he won’t invade your privacy. He’s just there to make sure you aren’t bothered or harmed in any way.”
I sighed in relief. “That’s good to know. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. Breakneck is the one who organized that. I didn’t think it was necessary, since we haven’t found proof of anyone working with Dave.”
“I see.”
“Don’t think I’m not concerned about you, but I honestly didn’t think there was any reason to watch you closely. Breakneck disagreed. He wants someone on you until we know for sure, and his guy can trace all those video feeds.”
I winced at the reminder that there was video out there of me using the bathroom and maybe worse. I remembered the night I masturbated in my room to thoughts of Breakneck and my face flamed red.
“Someone has to watch all the video?”
“No, it’s not like that. It’s more like they’re searching for matches to your face, your features, so that we can find out if any video made it to the web. Plus, there’s a bunch of crap that involves tracing signals and invisible wires, and a bunch of techno hocus pocus I do not have a hope in hell of understanding. It doesn’t involve them needing to watch the videos themselves.”
“That’s a relief,” I muttered. Kip didn’t ask any questions, but I could see the lopsided grin on his face that said he knew what I might be worried about. I was mortified at just the thought of him, or anyone else from the club, watching a video where I masturbated and called out Breakneck’s name, especially after the man’s public displays yesterday.
“Okay, well, I’m going to head to school now.” Kip moved out of the way so I could get through the hallway without bumping him. Breakneck’s door was shut, and I didn’t see him anywhere. I kind of wished he slept with his door open, so I could see if the woman from last night was in there again, but I decided it wasn’t any of my business. We talked about being exclusive and then he ran off in a huff after I refused to have sex with him. Truthfully, I didn’t know where we stood or how I felt about everything. It was all a bit much.
Chapter 21
“Where in the hell is Nova?”
“Oh? She’s Nova now?” Kip questioned. The bastard wore another one of his smartass grins that made me want to knock his teeth down his throat, even if he was a friend of mine.
“What-the-fuck-ever, man. Where is she? Thought she’d be here when I got up this morning.”