Page 5 of Devastate Me
She gave him a funny look. I realized why before Kip did. “Relax, the kid is in the back of my truck. Dirty little fucker stinks to high heaven though.”
“My kid doesn’t fucking stink!” Kip’s growl let me know I was in for another punch. Unfortunately for him, I sidestepped before his hit could land. The bastard huffed before moving to open the back door of my truck, and then, to my delight, he got a load of the damage his kid had done.
“Holy shit!”
“Yeah, there’s nothing holy about that shit,” I muttered. If Kip heard my response, he didn’t act like it.
“How in the hell does that happen? You made my kid explode!”
“Fuck you, your kid did that all on his own,” I shouted back at the bastard. Kip’s potential nanny started to back away as her wary eyes took us in. I snickered at the gesture because she clearly didn’t know what the fuck to make of us.
“I’m not touching that!” Kip stated and turned to me with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I didn’t seed that thing. You need to deal with the mess you made. Get it out of my truck so I can get gone.”
Kip’s nose scrunched up and then the fucker gagged. He took another step closer and gagged again. I peeked inside to see why and lost it.
“What did you feed that kid? It’s every-damn-where. Why the fuck does it look like your kid got in a fight with a bottle of chunky mustard and lost?” I couldn’t even laugh at Kip because I was too busy gagging alongside him. His retching noises were making it worse.
“Oh shit!” I moved quickly and made it to the gutter at the edge of the road before I lost my fucking lunch. Then I heard the softest little laugh that sounded like those damn chimes my grandmother used to hang on her porch. Kip’s fine-as-fuck babysitter was standing there grinning so widely that I could see all of her straight, white teeth, as her slender shoulders shook with mirth.
I realized then that the flimsy bra she had on was a fucking Godsend because damn, those tits of hers jiggled with the movement and made me hungry. I wanted to sink my mouth into all that plump, juicy, tit-flesh and leave my fucking mark. Fucking them would be next on the list and then I could leave a different kind of mark behind. She’d look good painted in me. I just knew it.
Those light bluish colored eyes of hers met mine again as her giggles subsided. “I’m sorry,” she apologized sweetly. “I’m guessing there was a blowout in there?” I nodded my head vigorously because that was a fucking understatement if I ever heard one.
“You could say that.”
She grinned and moved in closer, ignoring Kip who sounded like a bitch choking on cock for the first time, while trying to figure out how to get his kid out of my truck without contaminating himself. The woman handed me her bag. I glanced down at the hefty weight of it and realized it was a backpack, not a purse.
I didn’t think she looked quite young enough to be in high school, but I’d have to check with Kip and lock my fucking fantasies down if she wasn’t even of age yet. Jesus. Fuck me. I did not need to feel like a Goddamn pervert.Please, let her be of age!
“I’ll need that after,” she declared as she climbed up onto the foot rails of my truck and leaned across the seat to unbuckle the little shit factory that Kip stashed in there.
“Damn! That ass!”
Kip’s laughter clued me in to the fact that I said that shit out loud, but I didn’t give a fuck either way. It was true. The little bitch had an ass that was almost as mouthwatering as her tits. You’d never know at first glance. She attempted to hide that banging body beneath baggy style clothes, another protective shell for her, no doubt.
“Tell me that this,” I wiggled the bookbag at Kip, “doesn’t mean she’s in high school.”
“College,” he corrected immediately while we watched the woman, who remained unfazed by the toxic situation as she attempted to rescue my truck from Kip’s spawn.
“Aww, sweet baby. Did you have an accident?” She hummed in a gentle voice to the kid while lifting him up from his seat, without getting shit on my truck. Good for her. Unfortunately, she wasn’t spared. The kid – shit and all – was tucked up on her t-shirt. Though, considering it had a picture of sad shit paper on it, maybe it was appropriate.
“Sweets, you’re getting shit all over your shirt.” I’d taken a few inadvertent steps backward, and thank fuck for that, because it kept the scent of Knoxville’s rotten ass from wafting toward me. Mad respect for her though because she was smiling all angelic-like at the baby and ignoring the stench and mess.
“It’s okay. It all washes.” She cooed again, as if her words were for the baby when she was really answering me. Damn. There was just something about that. I could almost picture her holding our baby with another one blowing her tummy out and suddenly, a new fetish was born right before my perverted fucking eyes. I didn’t want to be tied down with responsibility, but the images…
“Simmer down, asshole. She’s my nanny and you’re not running her off by tryin’ to stick your cock in her. She’s not the type to be your second for the night, and wouldn’t put up with you going to get your dick wet elsewhere either.” The words were grumbled near my shoulder so she couldn’t hear them, but fuck, Kip should know warnings like that only fueled the desire. It was like he didn’t understand that waving the red flag was what made the bull charge. Fucking idiot.
Kip sighed. “Come on, I’ll unlock the door and show you where the bathroom is.” He glanced toward the side yard, and I knew what he was thinking immediately. I grinned as he suggested using the hose while the sexy-as-fuck shy girl in front of us scoffed at the idea.
“You can’t rinse the baby off with the garden hose. It’s… That’s… No. The bathroom will be fine.”
“But the mess,” Kip argued.
“Will get cleaned up. If you could get the car seat out of the truck, I’ll get that cleaned up too, once the baby goes down for a nap.” After the little mouse ordered the big, bad biker around, she took off like someone lit a fire under her ass.
“You heard the lady!” I pointed toward the backseat of my truck. “Don’t let a drop fall out either.”