Page 6 of Devastate Me
“Fuck you!” Kip called back to me.
“Nuh-uh, man! I got two warm bodies waiting on me back at the clubhouse. One for my cock and one for the cock warmer’s face.” I bragged because Kip was supposedly too good to step out on his woman, who had apparently gone cold fish on him after spitting his kid out. Like I said before, fuck that loss of freedom.
As much as I wanted to stick around and see more of the shy girl – maybe scrub her down in the shower – I had things to do, women to fuck, and no more patience left to try to get sweet little Virgin Mary to come out of her shell. Maybe another day. The minute the car seat was out of my truck, I hauled ass back to the clubhouse. The windows stayed down the whole way to fumigate that fucker.
Chapter 3
“Sorry about the mess.”
“You really don’t have to keep apologizing to me,” I told the man. He was intimidating, and I wasn’t sure about being home alone with just him and a tiny little baby, but I really had no choice. This family was willing to pay me a whole lot of money to babysit their kid a few days a week and they didn’t mind working around my class schedule.
“I owe you bonus pay on top of my apologies for being late, my wife not being here to meet you, and then twice more for the shit-fest little man created.”
“Does that mean I got the job?” I asked, considering I’d only shown up for what was supposed to be an interview.
“There’s no way I’d let you out of here without sealing that deal,” he teased. I didn’t think he meant anything by it, but I backed up a step anyway and put some much-needed distance between the man and me.
“Listen, first thing we need to get straight is this: you are safe here. I won’t ever come on to you or whatever. That’s not my thing. I’m married.”
“Married people do awful things all the time,” I countered.
Kip nodded his head. “True enough, and despite the fact that you won’t trust my word, I don’t back out of my promises and marriage vows are just promises made legal.” He tipped his head toward the couch. “How about we take a seat and hash out the details of your employment?”
“Okay,” I offered hesitantly. I kept his son in my arms the entire time. The baby wasn’t a shield, but in a way, he felt like the only security I had when meeting with a strange man about a job I’d be doing in his home. After dealing with the creeper who I rented a room from, I was a little skittish when it came to new people.
“First thing, like I said, you’re safe here. I might be a biker, but I was raised by a mom and dad who loved me. More importantly, until my mom died, she instilled a lot of ‘do right by the women in your life’ lessons.” He chuckled at a memory before smiling at me. “She’d come back and haunt my ass if I ever even thought about hitting on my son’s babysitter.”
“Okay, I believe you.” For some weird reason, that was true. The man put me at ease in an odd way. Though, I supposed after being around Creepy Dave too often, an actual axe murderer would probably put me at ease in comparison. I shivered at the thought, but luckily the man sitting in the same room with me twisted to grab something out of his back pocket and missed it.
“Now that the security issue is out of the way, I’m Kip Martin. My wife, Ashlynn Martin, is a real estate agent. She covers a few counties and travels a good bit throughout the day. That’s why we need someone who can be there for the little man. I work and have club shit.”
“Club shit?”
He pointed to the leather vest he wore that declared him a member of the Savage Vipers Motorcycle Club. “My father is the president, so I have a lot of responsibilities down there.”
“I see.”
“I know you mentioned a class schedule, and we’re okay with working around that, but I need to know if you’ll be available for any nights and weekends too, if something comes up.”
“I’m available,” I answered him without hesitation.
“You’re a college student. Never went myself, but from what I’ve seen in the movies there’s lots of partying and shit. I’ll try to make sure we don’t infringe on your weekends and-”
I cut him off there. “I don’t mind. I’m going to school for an education, not the parties. This job will mean that I might be able to afford to finish getting that education without having to resort to jobs I’d rather not take.”
Kip’s gaze seemed to take in more than the average person would as he weighed my words and then nodded his head. “It’s hard for us to find a good nanny because I’m in a motorcycle club. Some people are too frightened to work for me because they see a “biker” and can’t get past it. Others want to party with my club more than watch my kid.”
“Like I said, the partying won’t be a problem. I just want to be able to afford school and get finished, so I can start a career and get on my feet as an adult.”
Kip nodded again. “Great. Sounds like a perfect fit then.” He watched for a minute as I rocked his son back and forth. “We’ll pay you $800 a week to be here when you’re not in class. Sometimes, that will mean you get off at five, other days, you might be here until ten. Depends on what’s going on between Ash and me.”
I nodded, as Ashlynn had already discussed that possibility with me over the phone. “I don’t mean to look a gift horse in the mouth, but can I ask? Why are you paying so much for one child?”
“If we need you to stay overnight or on the weekend, we’ll tack on an automatic $200 extra for that night,” he started to say at the same time I’d spoken. “It’s simple. Supply and demand. We’re in demand and no one wants to supply the time we need. Not to a biker’s family, anyway.”
If he was going to pay me a possible $1,000 a week, I wasn’t about to argue. The $800 was more than anyone could hope for when watching one tiny baby for a few hours a day in that person’s home. They didn’t live too far from campus either and only about a fifteen-minute drive from where I rented a room.