Page 67 of Devastate Me
“Do we even need to have a talk about fucking security?”
“She’s as loyal as they come. Fuck’s sake, Tripp. I’d trust her over most of my club brothers.”
Worry slipped from Scout’s face as she beamed in my direction, which only made Tripp bristle even more. “What the fuck is going on between you two? I thought you were chasing after Nova?”
“Scout is my friend.”
“Who you fuck regularly. Not everything skips past me just because I have a lot on my plate, asshole.”
Scout winced. “Sleeping with the members was the only way you would allow me to stick around,” she admitted to him. “If I didn’t have to do that, I wouldn’t.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Because I had this crazy idea that you’d all one day become my family, and that was taken from me when…” She sniffed back that response and squared her shoulders. “I had another dream after that one. I wanted to become a member but didn’t think you’d take me seriously, since I started here as nothing more than a whore.” The derision she cast at him couldn’t be missed. I knew that Scout hated the fact that no one took her seriously unless she was working on her knees or back.
“You want to be a member?” Tripp asked incredulously, purposely ignoring the rest of her statement since it had to do with his son being a dumbass and choosing the wrong woman.
“Yes. I would like to be a member. That’s part of the reason I’ve helped Breakneck out so much. I hoped that eventually you would see that I was an asset to the club.”
“Do you even ride?”
“I have a Hayabusa, and she rides smooth as fuck.” That was a surprise to me. I knew she was capable of riding because she had said as much, but it never dawned on me that she already had her own two wheels, which in hindsight seemed pretty fucking stupid.
Tripp looked almost perplexed for a moment and then he threw his head back and laughed. “A fucking crotch rocket?” He asked. Scout nodded her head and didn’t do a great job of hiding her frustration with the man. “That fucking fits you perfectly. I bet you run that thing full throttle when you get away from here.”
“I do,” she agreed, temper evened out a bit at his assessment, especially when she realized he wasn’t laughing at her, but the situation.
“Fuck, I don’t care that you run a rocket rather than a cruiser. Most of the men won’t either. That asshole there,” he said while pointing at me, “has a collection that runs the gamut between cruiser, rocket, and fucking dirt bikes. Nothing in the bylaws that state your ride has to be anything specific other than running on two wheels, having a motor, and not being a fucking scooter.” He laughed again. “Shit, Grady rode around on a fucking scooter years ago when the asshole got pinched for a DUI. So, I guess we don’t care about that either.”
He grinned at Scout almost conspiratorially. “But you need to know that it will all come down to a vote. I can’t guarantee that the men of the club will go along with promoting a former club girl to the rank of brethren. Most have been with you at some point or other, that makes shit difficult.”
“Because you’re a woman, and I don’t give a fuck how sexist it sounds, if they’ve slept with you, they’ll feel some kind of protective around you. It will make having you on a run with them a liability.”
“So, I won’t go on runs with them,” she offered with a shrug as if that was a no-brainer.
“You have to pull your weight, honey.”
“I do. I have been pulling more weight than most of your men for this club for years, especially this past year.”
“That’s true enough,” I interjected.
Tripp nodded. “You’re not wrong. I’ll be sure to present those facts alongside Breakneck when we vote tomorrow in church. In the meantime, we have a bigger problem, and it can’t wait for a vote on membership.”
“What’s going on?” I glanced down at my phone and noted the time. Fuck, I’d been away for just shy of an hour already. Hopefully, Nova was sleeping and wouldn’t notice how long I’d been gone. Women could be sensitive about waking up alone after sex, especially virgins. At least, that’s what I’d seen in movies. Wouldn’t know in any real capacity because I never bothered to pay attention to the women I’d been with previously, or their reactions. Normally, they weren’t left in my space long enough for that to become a concern anyway.
“I received a disturbing as fuck message, someone claiming to have video evidence of the MC killing David Langston, aka Creepy Dave.”
Two things occurred to me immediately. “He was killed on sight here, not at the house of horrors. So, there’s no way they have a video of that shit. More importantly, what the fuck do they want in return for that supposed footage?” I asked, knowing immediately that they wouldn’t just tell us they had a video of me killing the fucker without wanting something in return for the evidence. That was how blackmail worked.
“They want Nova. We have forty-eight hours, well about forty-four now. The original timer started when the flash drive was sent.”
“What is the timer for exactly?” I asked again, growing impatient because I thought I already knew.
“We have that long to turn Nova over to whoever is pulling the strings with the fucking Violent Order. If we don’t, they release the footage. They said we’d get a call with instructions about where to meet and transfer the woman for a flash drive with the video of you killing Dave.”
Scout laughed and I wanted to throttle her, considering this was my woman’s life on the line, not to mention my own, since I was the one to kill Creepy Dave. Technically, I hadn’t killed him in the house, or at all since he’d succumbed to infection, but if there was a video, it would show me choking the fucker, kicking him, Kip kicking him, and then us leaving the place with his limp fucking body. That was good enough to appear as though we’d killed him in his own house.