Page 68 of Devastate Me
“They want you to just accept that the flash drive is the only copy?” Scout asked, lessening my anger once I understood her earlier outburst.
“Seems illogical at best,” Tripp agreed. “That doesn’t mean this shit isn’t going to be problematic. We’ve always been concerned that there was a live video feed rolling out of that house to parts unknown. Now, we need to step up our efforts to figure out where, how, and who the fuck is pulling the strings over there. My bet is on Mal, their president, but we still don’t know where the fuck their club is hiding out these days.”
“Break and I went by to check the house. I didn’t see any signs that he had anything streaming. There was no evidence of massive data transfers, no signs of a server in use that would make it easier for him to hold and transmit data. For all intents and purposes, it looked like a one-man show and a private stash. The computer he stored the video footage on was not connected to the internet.”
“So, it’s safe to say that either they were bluffing, someone got separate video of Dave being taken from the house, or someone sneaked in there once we were gone, and knew exactly where to look for what they needed?”
“It’s also possible that they had an inside man on the job,” I added.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Tripp asked.
“When that first picture was dropped off, it was because the prospect left the gate to early.”
“We tossed his ass after that,” Tripp stated, but he was thinking things through the same as I was.
“I’ll start tracking the little shit,” Scout mumbled. “Never did get good vibes off Scotty fucking Bingham.”
We both turned to stare at Scout, bewildered. “That was his name?” I asked.
“Yeah, you didn’t know?”
I shook my head, and I could see Tripp doing the same thing. “Didn’t care about his name. Never made an impression on me until he slipped off gate duty earlier than he was supposed to. Kid was always just ‘prospect’ to me.”
Tripp nodded in agreement. “We’ve had prospects guarding that fucking house, haven’t we?”
“Yeah, we’re too short handed with the garage and the runs we’ve been doing to waste full-patch brothers on house sitting duty. I’ve rotated the prospects over there whenever me, Kip, and Bagger couldn’t be there. Trench sat watch a couple times, too. Other than that, it was always a rotation of prospects.”
“We need to get eyes on that kid, and I need you to comb through the video from that house going back to the day when Kip and Break showed up to yank that sick fuck out of there. I want to see who entered that house afterward. I also want to know if there are any breaks in the video feed or missing times, so we can pinpoint when someone might have slipped in. No telling if that little shit knew how to erase evidence that he’d been there.”
“I’ll get right on it,” Scout agreed and took off out of the office to do just that.
Tripp turned to me once Scout was gone. “Make sure she and Kip both understand that Nova is staying on lockdown.”
“That won’t be a problem considering I left her in my bed when you called me in,” I reassured him.
Tripp smirked. “Well then, I’m sure you can figure out some way to keep her entertained, so she won’t want to leave.”
“If you get anything else…” I started to say but Tripp cut me off, knowing where I was going with it.
“You’ll be the first to know.” Tripp stopped in his tracks before we left his office. “You claiming that woman?”
“Most likely, why?”
“She’s the kind of good woman you put down roots with. The type that will raise your kids up right and keep you happy, if you let her.”
“I know all that.”
“Do you understand it though?”
“Not sure what you’re getting at, Prez.”
“She’s also the type of woman – much like my late wife – who wouldn’t put up with me sticking my dick in places it didn’t belong. She had her reasons for demanding my fidelity, and I knew that she was too good to throw away, so I conceded to her request. That gazebo you had your date in the other night was part of my promise to her that she’d never see me with my arms around another woman, unless it was our future daughter.”
I sighed at the shit he was laying down for me. He knew, as well as I did, that Nova wouldn’t put up with me fucking other women. I also knew it would eat at her if she ever found out I’d been fucking others. She would think it was all down to something she’d done or hadn’t done. And while it was sort of true – in the way that I didn’t think she could handle everything I wanted – it wasn’t because I didn’t think Nova could give it to me one day. It was just that she wasn’t ready yet.
“We literally just fucked for the first time tonight. She’s a virgin.” The words tumbled out of my mouth like some sort of excuse for the behavior Tripp was warning me against.
“Was a virgin,” he corrected.