Page 144 of Hunt Me Down
“Dinner’s coming,” he whispered.
* * *
The woman was amazing—and she’d seriously saved his ass.
The EMTs were done. Done prodding at him. Done driving their needles into his skin.
They’d stitched him up. A good thing because he needed the stitches. Until the healing was finished, the stitches would keep the wounds from worsening. When the skin mended, the stitches would fall away, and he wouldn’t have to worry about leaving a trail of blood behind him when he hunted.
Because, hell, yes, he was going hunting.
Dee tossed him a pair of jeans. His backup clothes. Jude jerked them on, managing not to wince at the pull from his injuries. Nudity didn’t bother him a bit, but there were humans around, and they expected certain things.
Like clothing.
“Good job,” Tony told the EMTs.
“He needs to be in a hospital.” From Bishop, the chatty one. The other man hadn’t said a word the whole time he worked. When he’d first strode from the stairs, Jude had seen the way the fellow eyed the demons on the floor. Too much knowledge had been in his stare.
The guy knew they were in a den, the demon equivalent of a crack house, and he wanted out.
Was he a demon? Could be. Then again, he could be just about anything.
“I’ll make sure he sees a doctor,” Zane said. “Night Watch has a physician on staff.”
Since when? Zane was a world class bullshitter.
The EMTs filed up the stairs. Most of the demons had already been hauled up to the upper level. Other paramedics had come to patch those lucky bastards. Tony had wanted them stitched, then shuttled to the jail, ASAP. The sooner the demons were off the street, the better for the rest of the city.
The door slammed behind the EMTs with a loud, hollow clang.
Jude stretched, feeling every ache and pain in his body. He met Zane’s stare, then Tony’s. Yeah, most of the demons were gone—all but one, in fact. The ringleader. Zane had gagged the bastard when the EMTs first went to work. A good precaution, that.
Time for some payback.Jude stalked toward him, with Zane and Tony right at his heels.
The demon’s eyes widened and a high cry broke against the gag.
A smile curved Jude’s lips. “Hey there, sonofabitch. What? Did you think I’d forgotten you?” No way. This one, the guy who didn’t reek of drugs and decay, was the ringleader. The one who’d set up his ambush.
The one who’d wanted Jude dead on the stinking floor.
Jude lifted his claws and put them right over the demon’s chest. “I’m having a really bad night, as you can see...”
“Jude.” Erin’s tense voice.
He stilled. This wasn’t going to be pretty, but then, she’d already proved she could handle the hell that came in his life. He wouldn’t tell her to leave because he knew the attack was tied to her. Had to be. He’d been hunting her stalker, only to become prey.
Oh, yes, the demon would pay.
He glanced back at her. “You don’t have to see this.” He’d told her about the darkness inside of him, but this could take it to a whole new level for her. Fighting to protect was one thing. Savaging a demon for information was another.
And it just might be something she couldn’t accept.
Erin’s gaze held his. “Yes, I-I think I do.” She wet her lips.Her kiss. It had been like Erin’s kiss had brought him back. “I’m not leaving you.”
He sure wasn’t leaving her. Jude managed a nod.Don’t fear me.