Page 145 of Hunt Me Down
Her eyes narrowed.
No choice. He turned back to his prey and jerked the gag loose with his left hand. “Tell me the name of the person who hired you to kill me, or I’ll cut your heart out and fucking stuff it down your throat.”
Erin sucked in a sharp breath.I warned her.
And he was really holding back with the bastard. If he’d had his way, Jude would have already been attacking because in his mind, he could still see the demon swarm going afterher.
“I-I wasn’t s-supposed to k-kill you!”
His claws dug in. “Erin, you sure you want to see?—”
“Idon’t want to see this,” Tony muttered. Jude glanced his way, but never lessened his hold on the prey. “And Ican’tsee this! I’m a cop, I can’t let you assault a?—”
Zane punched Tony in the face. The cop went down, out cold. Zane shrugged. “Now he doesn’t have to get all cop-worried on us. Clear conscience. Nice sleep.”
“Fair enough,” Jude said because it was, unfortunately, a routine they’d done before with Tony. The cop would wake up soon, pissed, but in the clear.
“Uh-oh.” Dee dropped beside Tony. “I think he hit his head when he fell.”
“I think his head just hit my fist.”
She shoved Jude’s mangled clothes beneath the cop’s head. “No, that was hisface.” Her fingers skated through his hair. “No bumps. No blood.” She rose, brushing off her hands. “Next time, watch where he falls.”
Because, unfortunately, there would be a next time. For them, there always was.
But now...Jude looked at the demon jerkoff who was his prey. Now the focus was on the SOB who was breathing hard and sweating and clogging Jude’s nostrils with his stench. “Ready to die?” he asked.
“No!” The demon tried to jerk back, but his cuffs were locked tightly to the chair. “H-he just wanted you hurt, w-weak—not dead.”
“You would have killed him.” Erin’s voice. Cold and absolutely certain. “You wouldn’t have justhurthim.”
The hair on Jude’s nape rose. Knowing that Erin had experienced one of those weird-ass death dreams about him made his stomach knot.That close, huh?
Killed in a demon’s den, body torn apart and left on the stained floor. Not exactly the way he wanted to leave this world. But then, again, he didn’t exactly have plans to be dying soon—death dreams or not.
“Th-thought it would be easier,” the demon rasped.
The fool had just confessed to planning to kill him—surely that deserved a good, old-fashioned ass whooping. Jude’s lips peeled away from his teeth. One good bite and he’d be able to?—
“Never saw...the guy’s face.”
“Then how the hell did he contact you? How’d he arrange the attack?” Zane demanded.Zane. Being in the den had to be torture for him. All those memories. Dee didn’t know about the demon’s past, but Jude did. Zane had told him that one night in an empty Delaney’s.
“He called me.” The demon’s fat tongue swiped over his bloody lip. “T-told me you’d be coming.”
So the stalker had maneuvered everything. He’d moved them around like freaking pawns.
Mickey.Some tip. Jude couldn’t wait to get his claws in that hyena.
“I-I was s-supposed to deliver him...tonight.”
Jude’s hold eased, just a bit. “Were you now?”This was it.The chance he needed.“And he was going to pay you on delivery, right?”
A slow nod.
“How much?” What was the going rate for a shifter’s life these days?
“T-ten grand.”