Page 17 of Wicked Temptations
Marcus blinked. “Should you be saying things like that at work?”
“Sorry, but SEALS are hot, no matter what.”
“He’s a SEAL?” Tamilya asked.
Autumn nodded. “Adam told me before he left. And I think we need to have a talk about Adam because he’s been down lately.”
Marcus frowned. “He seemed fine to me.”
“Of course he did. You’re a dude.” Her gaze shifted back to the office. “Oh, they’re coming out.”
He rolled his eyes and glanced at Tamilya, whose face had lightened, and a smile curved her lips.
He looked at the guy standing next to Del. Tall, at least six-five and all muscle. Of course he was. He was a SEAL, if Autumn was right. But it was the intimate way Tamilya said the guy’s name that caught Marcus’ attention.
“Tamilya? Hey,” the guy—Harry—whatever, said.
He strode over to her and wrapped his arms around her lifting her off the floor. She squealed, which was completely un-Tamilya like.
“Put me down, you idiot,” she said, but she was laughing.
“So, your lass knows the SEAL,” Graeme said. Marcus glanced at the Scottish transplant and husband to their medical examiner, but he said nothing. He turned back to the bastard, who was about to lose his arms because he still had them around Tamilya.
“I take it you two know each other,” Del said.
“Yeah,” the SEAL said. “We go back a few years. I thought you were working with Dillon.”
She shrugged. “You know I always liked working with the government.”
“Why don’t you introduce us to him, Tamilya?” Autumn said.
“Okay,” she said with a smile. “Everyone, this is Seth Harrington, better known as Harry.”
“To everyone except my mother.”
“Why didn’t I know you were on the island?”
She nodded. “Coming over to the dark side?”
“That’s up to your boss. I take it there’s a staff meeting we’re holding up?”
She nodded. “I’ll walk you out, unless Del has anything else to talk to you about?”
“No, we were done,” Del said.
“Thank you again for considering me,” Harry said. “Nice to meet all of you.”
Marcus watched as they walked out of the office, Harry’s arm still wrapped around Tamilya’s shoulders.
“Hmm, you don’t know this dude?” Autumn asked.
“No. It’s not like she knows all the women I dated.”
Of course, none of them looked like they stepped off the cover of a volleyball calendar. With his blond hair and gray eyes, he could just imagine a lot of women went for those boy next door looks. The idea that Tamilya had dated Harrington was enough to make Marcus try to talk Del out of hiring him.