Page 18 of Wicked Temptations
“Sure,” Autumn said, but he didn’t respond. He took one of the empty seats and handed Charity the evidence bag containing the slip of paper they’d found. “Not sure what it means, or if it had anything to do with Golubev, but Tamilya found this under the mattress on the bed frame.”
* * *
“So, you work for TFH?”Harry said as they walked side-by-side down the sidewalk.
“I thought you had a good gig with Dillon.”
“I did, but I got bored.”
He chuckled. “You were never meant to take orders from rich people. That’s a lot of what you did, wasn’t it?”
She nodded. “I did workups for a lot of companies who had to worry about terrorism.”
“Defense contractors?”
“In a way. You know the way of the military industrial complex now.”
“And personal security,” he said.
“Yeah.ThatI did not like.”
“I can imagine. You like TFH?”
She nodded. “I do. Del’s a good boss and the number two, Adam Lee, is fantastic.”
The silence stretched out comfortably. There had never been any tension in their relationship outside of the bedroom. “I didn’t know you were getting out. You didn’t mention it when we last talked.”
“That was over a year ago.”
She sensed something had happened that he did not want to talk about.
“I didn’t know that you would be able to work with Floyd again.”
Tamilya had met Harry not long after she had left the FBI and still had a chip on her shoulder. That and a broken heart. He was probably the only one who knew how badly Marcus had hurt her. They had dated more out of solace than anything else. Harry’s marriage had died a slow death thanks to an unfaithful wife and a bastard friend.
Their relationship had never been about romance but more about comfort. They both needed to heal with a nonjudgmental partner. She’d been in DC working for Dillon Security on a job out of the Miami office when they’d met. They had a brief affair, and then they went their separate ways as friends.
“It was more the team. They’re family. Or Ohana.”
“I got a little of that talking with Del.”
She nodded.
“We need to do dinner,” he said.
“After this case I’m working on. I have a feeling we’ll have it wrapped up soon, but I want to make sure.”
He nodded and leaned closer to brush his lips over her cheek. “Give me a call when you get done.”
She nodded. “Will do.”
She watched him walk to his car. The rush of feelings, the need to connect with him that had been so present a few years ago, wasn’t there. The friendship was still strong, but the desire to connect on a more intimate level wasn’t.
With a sigh, she headed back into the building. She wished she did have those feelings. He was stable, easygoing, and always supportive of her. Her life would be easier if she could be with a man like Harry. As she stepped into the office, everyone turned in mass once again. She chuckled to herself. Definitely like a family.