Page 59 of Ludmila
“Excuse me, Jasmine? You are too damn young to date.”
“No, I’m not. I’m sixteen. If I can drive a car, I can meet a guy for drinks.” The drinks were not the problem; what came after was the problem. I had been a sixteen-year-old boy, and back then, I liked to take girls out for drinks too…and feel them up in my car after. Nope, she’s not dating.
“Whoever told you that is an idiot. No dates. No boys.”
“Why not? Ian is great, and we’ve been talking a lot online; he’s sweet and funny, and dad already knows him…”
Wait a fucking second.
“Ian? Ian Scarvano?”
“Yes.” She bit her lip.
Something snapped in the back of my head, and I was sure I was having a stroke or something. Ian Scarvano was in my class in high school and his family was associated with mine. What the fuck was he doing talking to my sixteen-year-old cousin?
“Are you fucking kidding me? That guy is my age.” He was going to take her out to drinks when I was dead and buried. “I’m going to castrate that motherfucker. Jasmine, if I find out you’re talking to him again, you won’t like what happens next.”
She stomped her foot and frowned, just like Cat did every time someone made her mad.
“This is not fair. At least I want to tell dad. Rosalyn has been dating a guy in our class in secret for a month.”
Outside the door, Rose’s face fell, not believing her sister sold her out.
I rubbed the back of my neck and took a deep breath.
“Go home, all of you, or I might start chasing you around the yard.”
There was no more to discuss, so they climbed in the car and they were on their way. Finally. I turned to Ludmila and threw my hands in the air.
“I’m sorry for that. I had no idea they’d come here.”
“It’s ok.” She came and took me into an embrace. One that I really needed. “You don’t look ok.”
“One of my baby cousins wants to date a guy my age, and the other one has a secret boyfriend. I’m going to kill Cristiano when I get my hands on him. He was supposed to watch them.”
“It’s sweet that you care so much.”
“Of course I do, they’re my family.”
“They love you too. They really wanted to spend time with you.”
“We’ll see how much Jasmine loves me after I kill Ian Scarvano for talking to her on the internet. I’m going to throw him of the Manhattan Bridge.”
“Hey, try to see her side of the story. She’s young, maybe she has a crush…”
“Ludmila, he’s my age. I just spent half the night with my dick inside you. That’s what guys my age do. Jasmine is a damn child and Scarvano shouldn’t be anywhere near her.”
“Yeah,” she said thoughtfully, “maybe you’re right. What I’m saying is try not to embarrass her for having feelings for someone. She’s at a sensitive age.”
I kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. She was so small in my arms, but still, there was something powerful about her. Maybe it was the Russian blood.
“You’re very wise, baby doll. You’d make a great mother.”
Her answer came immediately.
“Oh, no, I don’t want kids.”
“Really? Never?”