Page 60 of Ludmila
“No. Kids are…they’re a lot of work. I mean, you have your hands full with your cousins, and they’re not even your daughters. It’s not for me.”
“Fair point. How about we forget about the triplets for a while, and you tell me where you’d like to go tonight.”
“You know, I was thinking,” she started tracing circles on my chest with her finger, “I think you should go see your family tonight.”
“You could go for an hour or two and I’ll wait for you here. I could cook something.”
“I’m not leaving you alone.”
“Enzo, it really seemed important to them, and I don’t want to keep you from your family.”
“Mi famiglia is very important to me too, Ludmila. The famiglia is who I am – my blood. My father is their Don, and I will be too, but right now I couldn’t give a damn about all that. All I see is you. Don’t cut my time away with you short, doll. Not when I can’t have you just for myself.” She was still living in another man’s home.
Ludmila licked her lips.
“You promised you’d let me take you out.”
“Yes. I can’t say no to you, Enzo. If I could, I would have walked away a long time ago.”
I picked her up and laughed.
“I’m so fucking happy you didn’t, baby doll.”
We had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, a place with two Michelin stars near Central Park. It was an intimate joint with beautiful décor, and I’d taken a few other women there before, but I’d never been prouder to walk with one on my arm than I was with Ludmila. Having her at my side made my chest swell.
She was more relaxed when we returned to my house, maybe because of the bottle of white Lambrusco wine she had with her fish. Seeing her like that made me realize how much of Ludmila I still had to discover. She hid many pieces of her puzzle away from the world, or maybe hid them away from Alexei, but I was determined to put them all back together.
“I can’t wait to put my lips on that chocolate mousse,” she said eying the to-go container in my hands. She said she was too full at the restaurant but asked me to take something sweet for later.
“I have a better thing for you to put your lips on, baby doll.”
“I’m sorry, but your penis is not made out of chocolate, Enzo. I’ll go with the mousse.”
“I didn’t know you like chocolate that much.”
“I adore it. It’s the best thing in the world. I rarely get to enjoy it.”
Chocolate must be the easiest thing to find anywhere in the world. Ludmila’s smile disappeared, and she looked away.
“Alexei. He doesn’t want me to get fat.”
Motherfucker! Every time Popov’s name was said there was a new reason for me to cut his tongue and strangle him with it.
“Fuck.” I said getting out of the car and walking to the door.
“All men think like that, right? None of them want their wives to gain wight.” She tried to make a joke, but I didn’t laugh.
“No, Ludmila. You could be a hundred pounds heavier, and I’d still be crazy about you.” Popov was not a man, he was a fucking pussy, and I wanted her to understand that. “Let’s go inside, baby. I don’t want to lose my temper about this.”
“I’m sorry.”