Page 2 of Slap and Swallow
Dick took the bottle of beer from the bartender then handed it to me. He then cocked his head in response to my story and replied, “Damn. I can’t imagine why anyone would be such an asshole to you.”
“Considering I did everything he ever fucking wanted,” I pointed out, “he still beat the shit out of me.”
“So do you have any plans for your new life here?” Dick asked me.
I shook my head, “Not really. I still have some cash but I need to start looking for a job soon.”
“What was your job back home?”
“I did some modeling work,” I answered him and took a sip from my bottle. “I didn’t get to finish college. There were just too many bills to pay.”
Dick caressed my cheek with the back of his hand and he gave me a heart-melting smile. “I can give you a job.”
I laughed. “What kind of job? Porn?”
He burst out laughing and shook his head. “No, nothing like that. I just re-launched my company along with my friend and we need a reliable secretary to help us with our papers, schedules and more. You’d be perfect for that.”
“How can you tell, we just met?”
Dick pinched my cheek and I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and said, “You’re so cute. Well, you can keep up a good conversation and you seem like a pretty smart girl. You’re also pretty gorgeous so that’s always a plus.”
My cheeks flushed warm and red and I looked at him with a sheepish smile. “T-thank you. I’ll definitely consider the offer.”
“Great,” he told me and gave me a sudden quick kiss on the cheek. I felt giddy inside. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. Deep inside I knew I should shove him off but I was feeling so comfortable and wanted that I let him. “You got a place to stay?”
I nodded. “Uh, what was the name of that place? The Alpine Hotel?”
Dick opened his mouth and he gave me a simple “Ah, yeah. I know that place. It ain’t too far from here. If you want to rest later, I can help you there. We can talk business tomorrow. I want to introduce you to my business partner and friend.”
Is he going to go with me to my hotel room? For a moment I felt my blood rush and I got a little nervous. I wanted a man’s attention but I wasn’t so sure of fucking anyone right now, especially after finally getting away from my damn ex-boyfriend.
I decided it was time to find out. “Well, I’m just going to finish this bottle and then head over. I’m dead tired from all that driving.”
“I’ll help you get there and then I have to head out,” he told me. I was a little shocked he didn’t even try to press me about stepping into my room or whatever. “Can we meet tomorrow after lunch at the donut shop across the street from your hotel? It’s called King Creamer.”
“Sure, how about 1 PM?”
He nodded and waited as I fin
ished my drink. I waved at the bartender who then handled my bill and gave me a receipt.
As soon as I got off my seat I wobbled a little bit and Dick caught me in his arms.
“Wow, you’re a little tipsy there, missy,” he exclaimed with a grin. He squeezed me a bit in his arms and I felt him reach up to cup a feel of my tits. I loved it. “You sure you can get to your hotel?”
I shook my head and just slumped even more into his care. “N-no, I’d appreciate it if y-you can help me.”
“Come here then lassie,” he told me as he helped me up on my feet. I was so small in comparison to him I felt like a little girl being guided by her daddy. “Let me take you to my car.”
“Oh w-what about mine?”
He kissed me on the cheek and just gave me a squeeze on the waist. “We can get it tomorrow. You’re in no shape to drive right now.”
Well, he was right about that. I couldn’t count how many shots I had. I didn’t even remember if I ordered a second or third bottle of beer. All I could think of right now was that some hot hunk in a plaid shirt was cupping my tits and hugging me tight.
Dick helped me out of the bar, holding me tightly, and he walked me to his car. My eyes were getting droopy and I couldn’t walk all that well but when I checked his car was not what I expected a country cowboy to drive. I was expecting a big pickup truck with giant wheels but he led me to this gorgeous, sleek two-door sports car.
“Woah,” I exclaimed when I got comfortable in my seat. Dick got in the driver’s side and he leaned in towards me to buckle my safety belt. I could feel his breath on me… God, fucking kiss me damn it.