Page 3 of Slap and Swallow
A warm sensation surged through me when I did feel his lips press down on mine. Within a single moment, he crushed me down with the pressure of his affection. When I opened my eyes I saw his staring back down at me; they burned deep into my soul and I felt the knot in my gut twist and turn. I was too weak to reach up and cup his face but I didn’t need to – as we kissed he leaned in some more and before I knew it he had his hands in my shirt, grasping at my breasts. I felt his fingertips dance upon my nipples and the weight of his palms press down, causing me to gasp and moan in anticipation for more.
However, before I could open myself for more and to beg for his lust he parted our lips and sat back down on his seat.
“D-dick?” I called out to him as I weakly turned to face him. I was wet and warm and the temptation to just rip off my clothes and please myself right then and there was overwhelming. I was in a car with the hottest stranger I’ve ever met. It kind of made me glad that my relationship with Matt didn’t work out.
He just winked at me and drove me back to my hotel room. He was silent throughout the ride but every now and then I’d see him reach down between his legs and grab his junk. Even though he had his pants on I could tell just by the way he wrapped his fingers down there he must have had something big.
This was how I spent my first night in my new home town.
Chapter Two
There was a cold cup of coffee on the bedside table and a box with a few donuts when I finally awoke the next morning.
“Aah, shit,” I groaned when the massive, head-splitting headache suddenly hit me with a vengeance. I lay back down and crashed onto the pillow.
Wait… was I naked? I sat right back up and checked. I had absolutely nothing on. Was Dick in here last night? Did he and I do anything? Did we have sex? Was he the one who bought the coffee and donuts? So many questions rummaged through my head and I had not a single clue to figure out what the heck happened after we left the bar.
I looked around and found my purse down on the floor. I reached for it, took my phone and checked the time. It was nine in the morning.
“What the fuck happened?” I asked myself out loud.
I guess I could figure it out later when I meet up with him and his friend. That did remind me, however, of whether or not I could even handle that kind of job. I was a model but here was Dick asking me to be a damn secretary.
I decided to take the last aspirin I had in my bag and then to continue sleeping for another hour. When I did wake up again my headache was fading and I took the remaining time to take a hot shower, eat the donuts and work in front of the mirror.
My natural hair was golden blonde but the longer I stared at my reflection the more I liked how red looked on me. I might dye my hair again once the color starts to fade.
By noon time I decided to get dressed and just wait on Dick at the shop across the street. I opened my luggage and put on a black mini-skirt, a grey sleeveless top and a black hat with a nice, wide brim. The darker colors made my milk-white skin glow and I loved how it would make men stare at my legs.
“What the hell?” I grabbed my phone again and discovered a text message. I changed my number. How did someone get my number?
It was Dick. “Hey, I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
Wow, he really did mean it. I guessed it was time for me to go. When I was ready, I grabbed my purse and walked out the hotel.
I crossed the street and discovered that the donut shop was a lot bigger and a lot more luxurious than I had presumed. It wasn’t the typical diner-type café that cops stay in. It had expensive leather seats, romantic dim-lights, and an elegant interior design.
When I walked through the doors I looked around and to my surprise, I found Dick already there. I checked my phone and realized he was about fifteen minutes early.
Dick spotted me and waved for me to head his way. This was when I saw he looked nowhere like the country hick he was last night. Gone were the red plaid shirt and the cowboy boots. In their place was a clean, plain black polo shirt and dark cream slacks. He looked like a big-time businessman. All he needed was a suitcase.
I took the opposite him. A waitress came by.
“Hi, I’ll have a plain, glazed donut and a hot cappuccino,” I told her.
“Small, medium or large for your coffee?”
“Medium, please,” I instructed and the waitress left when I had nothing more to add. I then turned to Dick and greeted, “Hey, you’re really early.”
Dick gave me a sly smile and raised an eyebrow as he said, “I like to be early when I know how hot my breakfast is going to be.”
The way he said that just gave me goose bumps. I could see how he stared at me, like he was undressing me with his eyes, and it made me wonder even more about what may have happened last night when I was too drunk in the hotel room.
“I-I saw some donuts and cold coffee in the room,” I tried to steer the conversation. “Were you there last night?”
His face twisted with shock and a big smile. “Really?” he scoffed at me but with some level of delight. “You don’t remember?”