Page 3 of Her Louisiana Lovers
True to their competitive nature, her bosses argued about which of them would pilot the trip to their destination, where her four days of service would begin. Their rivalry was at times so ridiculous, that even though she was used to it, Corinne started to second-guess herself, wondering if she really wanted to spend four days as the subject of their disputes. She was about to turn around and march back to her dependable sedan and head home when they quickly settled on playing rock, paper, scissors to determine the outcome, as if they were a bunch of teenagers.
Oh well, whatever worked. Todd won the battle, and before she could think better of it, Corinne found herself settled in the company’s airboat as they flew across the lily-covered, murky water. None of them spoke. The deafening noise of the enormous fan propelling the craft didn’t make conversation plausible anyway. Todd piloted the boat, leaving Corinne sandwiched between Eric and Jeffrey. The sun sank down in the bayou as they made their way to a secluded camp owned by the shrimping company. She’d never been there before, though she was often charged with ordering supplies and paying bills from gatherings held there. Clients enjoyed a taste of life on the bayou and the camp was sometimes use as an incentive for them to keep doing business with the company.
They passed a few other camps along the way. Most had signs warning that trespassers would be shot on sight. The penmanship and spelling of the cautions were far from perfect, but there was little doubt about the accuracy of the people behind the trigger. Folks in this part of the world learned hunting skills from childhood. They lived off the land and didn’t bother waiting for the law to settle possible disputes. Bayou people preferred to handle problems themselves. The local wildlife, especially the gators, could take care of evidence left behind. If she needed help, she doubted an outsider like her stood a chance against camp owners like Jeffrey, Eric, and Todd. That was a sobering thought, but she reminded herself that deep down, she trusted these men, or she wouldn’t be here.
Still, Corinne tried to pay attention to the path they travelled in case she needed to find her way back alone, but her mind drifted often. What was the worst that could happen during the next four days? The contract she penned her name on provided her with safety nets. She could delay any activity for up to thirty minutes by demanding a time out. If pushed too far, she also had a safeword. In addition, all she had to do was utter the word Rougarou and everything stopped. The agreement promised she would be returned to the dock without delay. All three men were ruthless, but trustworthy. They would keep their promises.
Alone in her thoughts, she tried to picture different scenarios of what might be planned, but she couldn’t, not really. Her sexual experiences were disappointedly limited. Jean, her late husband, had been her first and only lover. They hadn’t even done more than serious petting until after their wedding.
Jean had been a virgin, too. Corinne often considered if that had been part of their problem as they hopelessly tried to learn what excited one another. He’d been a simple man, thrilled with the missionary position since day one. A few thrusts and he was ready to climax. Bless his heart, he’d tried his best to give her some measure of release, but it took her months to find the courage to offer any suggestions. And when she did, most of them appalled him.
A blush crept up her cheeks as she recalled the few times Jean used his mouth to stimulate her. She didn’t know if he even knew where her clit was, and if she tried to guide him in the right direction, Jean assumed foreplay was over and rushed to mount her. Her throat tightened up at the awful memories.
What if the guys demanded she take their cocks in her mouth? Not that she was opposed to the idea, Corinne decided. But she was not an expert in the practice. Jean often blew his load the moment she managed to pull him a few inches between her lips. She doubted any of her three bosses would be so easily satisfied. Considering their height, she wagered each had a shaft in proportion to their impressive statue. Definitely more than a mouthful. Would they be disgusted by her lack of skill or if she gagged as she tried to please them?
While her cherry had been popped years before, she figured one or more of her bosses would be longer or wider than Jean had been. Should she prepare herself for the discomfort associated with adjusting to their girth? It was a concern she had reflected on a lot since signing the ridiculous contract. She’d packed a secret bottle of lubricant in her bag just in case, along with a bottle of ibuprofen.
Corinne still had a huge tube of KY Jelly from before her husband died. Toward the end of their time together, it was the only way she managed to have sex with him. Their lovemaking had been predictable. Every Sunday night, ten o’clock sharp. She would sneak into the bathroom a few minutes before to smooth the path for Jean. Only after his death did she begin thinking about what would bring her real pleasure. She longed for a man who knew her wants and needs, one who dominated her, so she didn’t have to feel guilty about enjoying sex.
She was pulled from her thoughts as the boat started to slow, and a long pier came into view just as the sun disappeared. Jeffrey had a few Coleman lanterns ready, and handed one to Eric before hopping up on the wooden plank and heading out to start the generator that powered the camp. Once the airboat was secured to the dock, Todd helped Corinne step onto the wharf. Her body still felt as if it was on the water, so she took a few minutes to gain her land legs, stretching her stiff muscles. Her mind was cluttered with second thoughts. The word Rougarou threatened to escape between her lips. Panic was taking hold.
The men started hauling out supplies from the boat as floodlights lit up the pier. A modest wooden camp became visible, resting on stilts to keep it safe from rising tides. Steep steps led up to the front entrance. A porch circled the structure, lined with rockers and an unobstructed view of the rising moon.
“Why don’t you go up and get familiar with the place?” Jefferey said as he returned to help the others unload the supplies they had brought along. She lingered a bit longer, second-guessing this idea yet again.
Instead of heading up, Corinne watched the three men work together without a word, stacking boxes and suitcases on the dock. When not trying to outdo one another, their teamwork likened a well-oiled machine, used to getting jobs done as efficiently as possible. Her floral-print suitcase looked out of place among the camouflage bags they used. Some of the other items unloaded puzzled her at first. Rope, various cane poles, and a case of lard.
Thoughts of their possible uses made Corinne jerk with alarm. She scolded herself, trying not to borrow trouble. They were spending time in a camp. Rope and cane poles were obviously for fishing or hunting. The lard was necessary for preparing meals.
Grabbing her suitcase, she started slowly down the wooden pier, other less innocuous possibilities spreading through her brain like wildfire. She pictured herself tied facedown to a bed, naked and helpless, one of the men spreading her legs, another separating her ass cheeks and third with a fist full of lard positioned at the one remaining virgin hole she had. Damn, damn, damn!
“I am in control,” she muttered, over and over again, as she slowly took the steps. “I can’t chicken out now.” Glancing back, she found all three men watching her from the pier. They probably thought she would change her mind and come rushing back to the boat screaming to go home. Her back stiffened. It was clear they doubted her ability to continue playing their damn games. She opened the front door and swallowed hard. “I’ll show them. I am in control.”
The bastards constructed a makeshift cage in the middle of the living room area of the camp. Just as Corinne had managed to convince herself this four-day getaway wasn’t going to be as bad as she feared, the guys taunted her innocence. The metal contraption was just big enough to crawl inside but would be impossible to stand up in.
“Could you fetch the large pillow from my bedroom, Corinne?” Eric asked as she glared at the project. The mental games had begun, she realized.
“I am not a dog,” she defiantly muttered, even as she stalked off to do his bidding.
Four small bedrooms flanked the land portion of the camp. Two to the right and two to the left. She’d been assigned the bedroom next to the youngest of her bosses. Eric’s scent clung to everything inside, from the dark, chocolate-brown comforter on the king-size bed, to the matching covering on the window. Even the huge pillow he sent her to get carried the subtle scent of his aftershave and just a hint of tobacco. Corinne brought the material up to her nose and shook her head against the notion that it was quite pleasant. It calmed her fears, if only for a moment.
Todd ruffled her hair playfully when she returned. “Good girl,” he teased.
She forced herself not to react, not wanting to let on how much the simple praise pleased her. It was one small way for her to retain the upper hand.
Jeffrey made a production of unlatching the cage door and swinging it wide open. “Our games don’t start until tomorrow, Corinne-girl. You are safe for now. While our little contract offers you a chance to redeem yourself, we don’t want you to fret unduly. Come examine the punishment box.”
Hiding her anxiety with sarcasm, she quipped, “It’s little more than a dog kennel.”
“Oh, but only naughty little bitches have to spend time inside,” Todd mocked back, reminding her he could be ruthless when he wanted to.
Jeffrey’s firm hand reached up to guide Corinne toward the cage. “Go ahead and settle the pillow inside. Get a feel for how much you can and can’t move. Before you object, remember we are giving you a chance to experiment with it now, door wide open. Nothing is forcing you inside or halting your retreat. It’s better to face your fears in a controlled situation before being denied those freedoms.” His advice went beyond exploring the metal contraption they created. He was reminding her she was safe and in control, even when she submitted.
Todd and Jeffrey walked a few feet away. All three were staring at her oddly. This was a test, she realized. They were seeing if she really was going to go through with this bullshit game. Todd had a dubious expression; Jeffrey’s stance suggested he knew she would balk, and he didn’t want to waste the next four days playing nursemaid. Eric’s face wasn’t as easy to read so she studied him a bit longer.
His hand was on her shoulder now, no longer leading her to the opening. He would not force her inside, at least not tonight. There was patience in his eyes. She almost found comfort in his touch. She tested his support just to be clear where he stood.