Page 4 of Her Louisiana Lovers
“All I have to do is say my safeword, and I will be returned back to the mainland without delay?” Her voice was husky, and she tensed waiting for his reply.
“I will personally delivery you back to your place.” He gave her shoulder a little squeeze before dropping his hand and walking to stand beside the two other men.
Corinne moved around the outside of the cage first, touching the metal. It was cold, but not overly strong. She wondered what was the worst that could happen if she were locked inside and desperately needed to escape? She could probably kick out the walls. The door had a locking mechanism on it, but only the type used to keep an animal from exiting without permission. Even inside the cage, she decided it would be possible to access the lever to escape if necessary. Hell, if anything, she could crawl inside just to avoid dealing with her arrogant tormentors. None of them could fit the contraption. A smile touched her lips as she tried to picture each of them trapped inside.
Yanking the drawstring from the lightweight jacket she wore; Corinne carefully tied the door into the open position. If anyone moved to lock her inside, she would have time to react. The men stood across the room now, each sipping a bottle of beer, pretending not to watch every move she made. Carefully, she got to her knees but made sure to keep all three in view. She tossed in the pillow so she wouldn’t have to crawl across the metal lines of the bottom of the cage. While standing would be impossible, she could move about on her knees. Her fingers tested the strength of the sides. It would take some effort, but someone who was used to doing leg squats to keep in shape could exert the energy needed to break out.
She got on her knees and carefully entered the contraption, moving around the inside. One of the men let out a loud groan when she reached her hand between the bars. She attempted to pass her head through, next, but only her chin, mouth and nose cleared the tiny opening. Jerking, Corinne prepared to bolt for the opening, but none of the men were advancing her way. Todd was adjusting himself, none too discreetly. Apparently, he found something about her actions alluring. Damn if her nipples hadn’t tightened unexpectedly at the notice. She sighed. There was rough hunger in Todd’s eyes, and, ridiculously, it thrilled her.
The other two were more subtle about their feelings, but Corinne noted a tenting in the crotch area of Eric’s slacks and Jeffrey’s ragged breathing. She tested her theory by laying down on the pillow and stretching her limbs to test their range of motions. Todd openly swore then, and Jeffrey ordered her to exit the cage.
“We have other things for you to examine before we all turn in for the night.” Jeffrey kept an even tone as he slowly made his way toward her, his manner non-threatening.
Corinne was laying on her back, her legs close to the door. As he bent down to give her a hand up, she decided to push his control a bit. She dropped her knees apart, and Jeffrey’s face was inches from her core. She knew he could smell her excitement. Jeffrey’s cool exterior vanished, and he reached inside to haul her out. He called out to the others, “Corinne-girl isn’t so anxious about this trip at the moment. The little brat is pushing the limits of her power because we promised her she was safe until tomorrow.”
“You had to suspect I wouldn’t go out of my way to help make this getaway any easier for you guys?” she replied in a whisper meant for his ears only. Jeffrey pounced when someone underestimated him. Corinne wanted Jeffrey to know it was foolish to do the same with her.
The center of the camp had an open design. The kitchen and living room were one long rectangle. Todd walked over to the dining table. Corinne noticed what she assumed was a tablecloth draped over the surface. It hadn’t been there earlier when she had gone to her assigned bedroom to unpack. The closer she drew to the kitchen, the more ominous the scene became. The covering was not a tablecloth at all, but something used to conceal the items laying beneath. Todd reached up to yank the material free in one motion.
She tried to suppress her reaction, but a loud shriek escaped her lips. Shivers ran through her body as she took in one object after another. Nylon rope lay to the left, not the course twine she had seen on the dock. The texture was smooth, but somehow even more threatening. There were odd metal objects next to it. She dared not speculate their purpose after noting the clamps attached to the ends. Next, she discovered a wooden spoon, a leather belt and a sugarcane pole which only measured about three feet in height. Definitely not a fishing pole. By association with the other items around it, Corinne concluded what its purpose might be and clenched her butt cheeks.
As horrible as those items seemed, the next set of objects baffled her completely. Corinne tried to hide her fear from them with sarcasm. “What’s with the pacifiers?” she asked, mocking the three men. “If any of you have a baby kink, I hate to tell you, sucking on one of those is a hard no for me. And don’t even try getting me into a diaper, because I will scream ‘Rougarou’ so loud, people from the mainland will hear me.”
The three men exchanged dark looks but no words. Jeffrey and Todd nodded in Eric’s direction. The former college receiver was at her side before Corinne could blink. He grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. Eric applied just enough pressure to bend her over the hard wood table. Her face was inches from the objects she assumed were pacifiers. He delivered five hard strikes with his free palm.
“Oh, babygirl, those aren’t for your sweet, sassy mouth. Starting tomorrow, your naughty behaviors warrant the use of the cage and any or all of the items you see here,” he warned, turning her head to the side so she could see the rest of the table.
Todd walked over to pick up the rope. “During punishment, failure to hold a position will increase the duration of the correction. If you can’t hold still, we will help you. Should you still have a difficult time complying, this rope will help you manage that challenge.”
Jeffrey was still tense from her earlier taunting and Corinne realized she had overplayed her hand. “Attempting to use your perfect, sexy body as a weapon against us will cost you dearly,” He nodded his head back toward the cage before dangling the metal clips from the table in the air. “I personally can’t wait to see your expression when these delightful clamps bite down on one or both of your perky nipples, or maybe the lips framing your tight little pussy.”
Todd moved over to the wooden spoon. “You already earned yourself a spanking from each of us.” She started to protest, but his smile only broadened. “Are you denying using the company computer for unprofessional purposes?”
Corinne shut her mouth and promised herself she would not let on how these three strong men intimidated her.
“First corrections will be delivered with the hand. After that, the stakes increase.” He slapped the object on his palm and a loud thud filled her ears.
Jeffrey bent close to her, and lightly caressed the belt before speaking. “Todd says the wooden spoon carries a wallop, but if you require a correction in addition to my hand, I will use the belt. Leather is one of my favorite things. Imagining painting your tight ass with crisscrossing red stripes makes me hard. Please, keep up your brave front tomorrow, when we have your permission in writing to adjust your attitude properly.”
Eric gave her a mocking wink. “By process of elimination, you probably figured out the cane is my favorite implement. No give like the spoon but more surface contact than the belt. You are lucky I didn’t pick my punishment tool first. You, above all others, know how we three like to outdo one another. Had I led with my cane, instead of a wooden spoon or a leather belt, you could be facing a whip or worse.”
Eric pulled her hair to shift her head slightly, so she was facing the last items on the table. He reached over and palmed the largest of the set of four. Still holding her down with one hand twisted behind her back, he used his non-dominant hand to rub the object between her legs before moving it upward. She could feel the hard, cold metal through the thick denim of her jeans when he pressed it between her butt cheeks.
“Your ass will be sucking these in, Corinne-girl, not your mouth. Each offense requiring this punishment increases the size of the butt plug we’ll use. I wish we would have brought a few more along because I think you’ll top out before day three at the rate you are going.”
Eric moved aside, but her torment was not over yet. Jeffrey bent down low again, his eyes locked on hers as she lay over the table. He was still holding the clamps and clicking them open and closed to taunt her. “Don’t despair about them not going in your mouth. I am sure we’ll have more interesting things for you to pump between your sassy little lips.”
Corinne tossed and turned all night, the walls of her camp bedroom closing in around her. When she did manage to sleep, visions of butt plugs and swinging belts filled her dreams. She half expected to be pounced on the moment the sun rose in the sky. The thin coverings on the window in her room didn’t block the bright rays and the glare forced her eyes open. The smell of bacon pulled her out of bed.
As a precaution, she wore several pairs of panties under her thickest pair of jeans. Fingering her lacy bra, she frowned. While it was satin, it was dull in design and more practical then sexy. Corinne wished she had taken the time to go shopping for new underthings, not that she’d had any warning, or time to do so. Her bosses already considered her straight-laced and no-nonsense, code words for boring. They would surely mock her safe choice in lingerie.
“Get a grip,” she scolded herself. She was not a willing participant in this little game of theirs. She was strictly here to pay her debt for a few stupid decisions involving the company’s technology. Still, she stood before the small mirror on the wall in her room and combed her wavy, brunette hair until it shined. Her makeup kit was beside the bed, but she decided against wearing any. Why she’d brought it along in the first place confused her. They were in an isolated camp, far from others. Making herself more attractive to the guys with her would be foolish and blur the lines between her fulfilling her contract and actively encouraging their dominance.
Steeling her expression, she stopped in the bathroom that connected her room with Eric’s before joining the men in the kitchen. None of them pounced on her, thankfully, but they were acting odd, Corinne decided, watching them closely as she wondered why.