Page 6 of Her Louisiana Lovers
Corinne sighed with contentment before giggling as he backed away from her, toward the murky water of the bayou. Her eyes grew wide as Todd did not stop at the water’s edge. At first, only his feet disappeared below the surface, but there must have been a steep drop off. The bayou swallowed him whole, and she screamed with alarm. Rushing to the spot where he’d disappeared, Corinne desperately searched for any sign of the hulking man. Should she run back to the camp for help? Would Jeffrey and Eric believe her when she said Todd went into the deep, dark pool of his own accord?
What would the punishment be for causing the death of one of her ‘Masters’? Cupping her hands around her lips, she called out, “Damn you, Todd. If you die, I will never forgive you!”
As if on cue, his head broke through the surface of the swamp, and he sprayed her with water as he shook his head back and forth to get rid of the excess liquid. “I expect a prize for securing fresh food for our meal.” With those words, he sank out of her vision again and stayed under for close to a minute. She held her breath until bubbles erupted a few feet away.
Todd emerged near a large cypress knee off the muddy bank. His arms were still covered, but he seemed to be working hard to bring them to the surface. A huge, gray mass slapped in protest as it was lifted high in the air. Todd’s enormous hand was buried deep in the creature’s wide mouth. He carefully worked his way back to the bank and tossed the thirty-pound catfish far enough up on the bank it would not be able to wiggle its way back to the water.
“I thought catfish were a freshwater fish,” she said, stepping away from the flopping creature.
“They are. This area is brackish.”
“Which means?”
He laughed. “You’ve lived in this area all your life and you have never heard that term? It’s a mixture of fresh water draining from saltwater. Stick with me, and I will teach you everything you need to know.” There was a glint in his eyes. “Be a good girl for Daddy, baby. Stay put. Don’t budge from that spot. I am going back to haul out a few more where that one came from.”
He left her alone again, only this time she had to deal with a slimy fish flopping around a few feet away from her. The long, sharp whiskers on the beast gave her pause. She heard being stung by those could be extremely painful. She took a few more steps back toward the swamp. How could Todd think this was an ideal way impress her? Corinne wasn’t sure if her progress put her closer toward the path back to the camp or further into the dense marshland. The stupid fish kept flipping and flopping, and she swore it was aiming its deadly whiskers at her feet. He would serve them right if she cried ‘Rougarou’ before they even got a chance to ‘master’ her.
“Stay right there!” she ordered the fish, moving deeper into the cover of the wild foliage. She gave herself a pep talk as she waited for Todd to stop playing around in the water. “Catfish aren’t porcupines. They can’t shoot off their barbs!” she called back toward the gray mass as she backed further and further away. “You really should consider conserving your strength. Being out of the water can’t be healthy. I am not the one who yanked you out of your resting place. Stop coming toward me!”
It was totally the catfish’s fault that she dashed a few yards away. The sun was moving across the sky now. Corinne glanced to her left and right, her panic no longer concerning the fish. During her retreat, she had not taken the time to notice where she was going. She was lost in the marshland, miles from the nearest boat launch. Damn, damn, damn.
Todd Guidry probably didn’t even realize she was in trouble, either. He was too busy proving his skill at sticking his fist inside an unsuspecting animal. Hell, for all she knew, he had picked the wrong catfish to try molesting and could very well be fighting to save his own life. “You better not die on me! You dragged me out here, stranded me at some godforsaken camp out in the boondocks and left me alone and defenseless in an alligator-infested swamp. Todd Guidry, stop playing games with those damn fish and take me back to safety right now.”
The tall vegetation behind her parted abruptly. A tall, angry, dripping-wet giant glared at her. “I told you to stay put!”
Normally she would call him out for being so rude, but the concern in his eyes was evident. Remorseful, she started to apologize. Todd was not in a forgiving mood, though. He stalked over to her, lowering his shoulders as if he were preparing to tackle her around the middle. Before she could sidestep him, he lifted her up and over his shoulder. The entire world turned upside down as she tried to fight the feeling of falling. Her hair hung in her face, and she kicked her legs wildly at the humiliating way he was carrying her.
His wet palm stung like hell as he peppered her backside with swats, lecturing her the entire way back to the camp. “Playing hide and seek in a damn marsh… screaming orders at me as if you are the one in charge… making me lose out on a fifty-pound trophy! I was this close to finally landing a record-breaker, little girl. I could already see the envy on Eric and Jeffrey’s faces.” He stopped marching for a moment, and Corinne was thankful for the chance to situate herself into a more comfortable position. Maybe Todd had walked off his pique. He hadn’t, though, she quickly realized when the grumbling continued.
“It was mere inches from the bank,” he growled. “We are talking about a prize to be mounted on the wall. But I dropped it when I realized you had wandered off. Don’t you have the good sense not to play around in a dangerous setting like this?”
He started pounding on her ass again. Even with her extra panties, his huge, wet hand stung. She squirmed and wiggled, but his strong arm anchored at the back of her knees made escape futile. He wasn’t being overly severe as he whacked away at her backside. At least the layers of panties and thick jeans buffered some of the impact. She hated to think about how painful it would be otherwise. When he discovered her extra padding after returning to camp, he promised her the next time he took her in hand, she would be bare and contrite.
It was like Todd didn’t trust her anymore. After returning to the camp, he ordered the others to go and retrieve the catfish he left behind. Aside from laughing at the sight of their partner fuming mad and hauling their assistant across his shoulder like a bag of shrimp, neither Eric nor Jeffrey argued. They didn’t even mention the fact that he was tracking muddy water through the living room.
If she expected him to drop her off at her own bedroom, Corinne was disappointed. He carried her toward the other side of the building, where his and Jeffrey’s bedrooms were located. For a moment, she feared he might do something rash. He was still muttering profanities about losing out on his dang fifty-pound catch. Todd was pissed beyond the point of being reasonable.
When he shoved open the bathroom door, the first trickles of real fear registered, and Corinne considered screaming for Jeffrey and Eric not to leave. Nothing in the contract she signed suggested she would agree to harsh punishment for a perceived error in judgement. Okay, it did list implements which were a bit frightening, but not unbridled retaliation.
She was close to screaming out her safeword, when Todd pulled Corinne off his shoulder and set her down on the small vanity next to the shower. “Do not move.” He stressed each word in a deep, nonnegotiable tone. “Do you understand me, young lady?”
Without hesitation, she nodded her head and mouthed, “Yes, sir.”
A half grin touched his square jaw, but vanished before she could be sure it even occurred. “The correct response is, ‘yes, Daddy’ or ‘yes Sir, Daddy.”
Caging her with thick arms at her hips, he leaned down to study her face. Corinne was speechless for a few minutes before it registered that he was waiting on her to answer him. “Yes, Sir. Daddy. Yes, Sir, Daddy. I will stay right here. Nothing will budge me from this very spot. The camp could be on fire, but I would wait for your permission before exiting.”
The grin was back again, filling his entire face. Even his cobalt eyes sparkled with humor. Framing her face with is hands, he pulled her close for a deep, long, satisfying kiss. She was gasping for air when he finally released her. “God, Corinne-girl, your sass makes me proud. You might be a perfectionist, afraid to disappoint those who depend on you, but you still have spunk. I plan on taming a bit of your feisty attitude. At least I don’t have to worry about breaking you, because you aren’t a fragile little girl. Daddy is going to find it hard to let you go when this little adventure is over.”
He stepped back and started stripping off his clothes. Corinne’s mouth gaped open at his lack of modesty. Todd’s shirt was over his head and tossed aside in seconds. For all of his bulk, there was not an ounce of fat to be seen. The man still had a six-pack even though his football days were long gone. He kicked off his tennis shoes next. His socks were saturated, and a spray pattern flung across the door frame as he tugged them off.
Time slowed down, or at least Corinne thought so, as he unbuckled his belt and unfastened his jeans. A thin line of dark hair ran down from his taut abs to a thick patch curtaining his cock. While not exactly erect, his shaft was quite impressive. Her late husband couldn’t have measured up even when he was stiff and ready to mount her. Doubt started eating away at her ability to follow through with this game. She must have been nuts to think she could handle this trio. She was out of her league and not ashamed to admit it.
“I’ll be out in a minute, little girl. If you move even an inch, my spoon will bite into your ass, and you will carry oval marks for the rest of our time at the camp. Understand?”
Nodding, she responded without delay. “Not an inch, Daddy.”
Her earnest promise was awarded with a full grin from Todd. Her fear faded some. His booming chuckle filled the room, and damn if Corinne didn’t find herself swinging her legs as she stayed perched on the counter. How did the smack of a wooden spoon compare to a heavy palm? Daddy found her spunk amusing. Maybe she would test his good humor and put an end the mystery of kitchen utensils as paddles. Maybe she could see this challenge through to the end, or at least this first day of games.