Page 7 of Her Louisiana Lovers
While Jeffrey, and especially Eric found Corinne’s layering of clothing amusing, Daddy definitely did not. After Todd’s shower, they had gathered out on the back porch, where Todd snitched on the little mishap Corinne had in the swamp. Jeffrey started cleaning the catfish as Eric worked on setting up a Coleman stove to fry supper. Todd sat on one of the rockers and made Corinne come stand between his legs.
Head tucked down, she tried to explain why she didn’t stay where she belonged. The other two men laughed when she admitted her fear about catfish being able to shoot their barbed whiskers at targets. But Master Todd didn’t mock her foolish worry. “Would your Daddy leave you in a dangerous position? If there was even a chance you could have been injured by the fish, I never would have tossed the dang thing close to you. Don’t you trust me to keep you safe?” Disappointment filled his tone.
Shame washed over her cheeks. She should have known better. After such a wonderful day, she had gone and ruined everything by panicking and getting lost. If only she could go back and undo her mistake, reset things with Todd. Corinne hated the displeasure and frustration she caused him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He lifted her chin and kissed her forehead. “I know you are. But you are still going to get a spanking. Only this time, the jeans have to go. I doubt you even noticed my frustration earlier.”
Shaking her head side to side, she swore. “I felt each and every smack, Daddy. I learned my lesson. Promise.”
“Jeans down,” he ordered, patience slipping from his tone.
Eric and Jeffrey didn’t even pretend not to watch as she reached up to unsnap her pants. The dang teeth of the zipper ended far too soon, and she couldn’t stall skimming the material down her hips.
Jeffrey whistled with what she hoped was appreciation of her shapely frame coming into view. Eric left his post to come closer. Todd opened his mouth, presumably to tell him to back off, that this was his day to top. The former quarterback crossed his arms and shot an odd glance toward her Daddy.
“Not that I mind a little meat on my women, but Corinne seems to be particularly thick around her backside.” Eric made his comment and went back to his duty of preparing to fry supper.
Todd made a low, growling sound in the back of his throat as he peered at her, then reached up and pulled down the first pair of panties she wore. The next followed, and the third hung around her knees as the various layers of material started to collect low on her body. The cool air of the night touched her ass as he finally removed the last barrier. Turning her to face away from him, Todd started smacking her backside, first with slow and steady strokes that soon became more intense and sporadic in timing.
The punishment finally stopped, and Corinne did her best to limit her dancing around, trying to recover from the pain. Turning her head back, she tried to get a good view of the damage. If her ass wasn’t flaming red, she would eat the damn catfish raw. She surely wanted to let her ‘Daddy’ understand he had been overly harsh.
“Eyes on me, little girl!” Todd ordered.
She immediately stopped shuffling her feet and faced him.
“My spoon is located in the second drawer left of the stove. You will retrieve it and come back out here for the rest of your spanking.”
“Rest of my spanking!” she shrieked. “My ass is on fire!”
There was no mercy in his expression. She turned her head to see if either Jeffrey or Eric would intervene on her behalf. The bastards where too busy studying her exposed bottom half to even acknowledge her predicament. She’d just as soon as get this stupid torture device and put this entire, horrible night behind her. Corinne started to restore her jeans and panties, but Todd ordered her to keep them around her ankles. Damn, damn, damn. With no choice left, she shuffled awkwardly away.
“You will receive ten extra smacks for each item that slips off between the here and the kitchen and back again. If my math is correct, you could get fifty extra ovals imprinted on your sweet little ass, babygirl.” The damn number seemed to set his temper off again. Hobbling across the deck, through the camp and back, she got to hear her Daddy lament about the damn trophy fish that got away.
Draped over the back rail of the camp porch, Corinne came to terms with a lot of truths about life. As delicious as frying fish and fries smelled, they could not block out the growing pain in her hindquarters. Another tidbit she noted, life at the private camp did not carry the generally accepted norms of back home. If she messed up at work, one of her bosses would pull her into the conference room to address the issue. Those were only verbal warnings, and not as humiliating as being beat on the bare ass with witnesses.
Loopholes, she decided, were her only chance at a reprieve. “The contract states this sort of punishment was only warranted for lying or refusal to comply with a command.” The rude men setting out places to eat outside chuckled at her words. She knew they were enjoying watching someone lay into her. Her face turned beet red, no doubt matching her ass.
“Are you sure you want to go there, babygirl?” Daddy Todd’s taunting tone changed her mind.
“Go there,” Jeffrey encouraged her. “Test his resolve.”
“I rarely offer advice, Corinne-girl. Giving orders is more my style, but I suggest you think before speaking. I don’t think Todd, er, your Daddy is in a mood to be tangled with. He is as riled up as a gator trapped on a hunter’s line.”
Eric was right, and Corinne bowed her head in submission. Damn, she hated any time he was proven correct. The stoic partner in the company had a God complex in her humble, unbiased opinion. He was the voice of reason, not Jeffrey, who was likely a sadist from what she learned in her web searches. Naughty videos were only part of her quest to understand her unusual fantasies. Corinne knew she liked a bottom-and-top relationship, but the preferred form wasn’t clear to her yet. She was glad Todd was her current Dom. He wasn’t a sadist in the strictest manner. He was protective, passionate… safer. Most of the time, anyway. At the moment, she wasn’t so sure.
Conceding she was guilty of one, if not both of the offenses detailed in the stupid document, she arched her body, providing a better target. Her Daddy had given her a direct order to stay where he left her when he took his evening swim. Catfish don’t sport legs, and she’d probably overreacted a bit when she ran off. When she dressed that morning, she did not know Todd would become her Daddy. Then again, she reasoned sporting multiple layers of clothes in hopes of mitigating any discomfort associated with punishments definitely amounted to deception. Damn, damn, damn. Spankings were supposed to be sexy, not painful. Right?
The loud splat of the wooden spoon connecting with her sore butt made focusing on her situation difficult. She was learning, which was promising. New to this type of game-play, Corinne found she’d already gained a lot of useful information on this first day alone. Spanking with an open palm was a stingy sensation. She had assumed it would be more brutal somehow. Even when pissed off, Daddy had measured his smacks carefully, never once aiming above the fullest part of her backside. The sensations invoked intrigued Corinne, and she wanted to explore the practice more before deciding if it was a good or bad feeling. The surface of her skin absorbed the punishment from his hard hand.
While it was not overly painful, oddly it did help her work off a bit of stress about being alone in the swamp. Struggling against his hold to avoid being smacked probably burned more calories than her thirty-minute cardio routine. She smiled at the notion of asking her new Daddy to become her training instructor. He could help her keep in shape in half the time and probably stick around to help entertain her afterwards.
Todd may have caught the sly smile on her lips because his application of the spoon doubled in force until she dropped the expression. Corinne bit her lip to stop from offering up a sassy comment. The last thing she wanted was to upset Daddy any more.
Wooden implements, she concluded, were not delightfully stingy. They made a horrible thudding sound and bit deeper into the tissue of her ass. She peeked backwards to watch her Daddy take aim. He was a strong, bulky man, but Todd did not appear to be putting much power behind his spanks. Yet, they hurt like hell. If this was a mild correction, she never wanted to be on the receiving end of a more severe one.