Page 22 of Blood Princess
The door slammed behind Valko as he left again, plunging me into real darkness, not the red light that shone through my tightly bound blindfold.
It had been three days since our tender moment alone together, and I fluctuated between uncontrollable rage and irresistible longing. The ache spread further through me with each passing moon. Lucien and Fillian’s touch eased me, but I knew I would only be satisfied when Valko joined them.
Valko had dragged me out hours ago, pushing me forward as I stumbled through the corridors, only to find him tying me back onto the table. No amount of kicking and vulgar muffled screams put them off. Without blood, I did not have the will to fight them, nor their effect on me.
It was the fifth time they had fucked me, and my resistance grew weaker every day. Nine days I had been here. If I did not feed soon, I would begin sleeping for longer to preserve my energy until, one day, I would not rise.
It was all I could do to contain my fury - until they touched me. And then it began again. The connection, the slow sink into pleasure as Lucien’s voice snapped at me, Fillian’s light kisses covered my body and Valko’s heavy stare penetrated me while the other two worked their magic.
Not only had they robbed me of my title, but they were toying with me. And worse, I loved it.
It had gone beyond pleasure. When Valko locked me back in the dungeon, I missed them and reached for them, discovering the bond building, and they called me too.
Yet I was still trapped in the darkness, naked and bound.
I had direct access to their hearts, strengthened by their proximity. I had been exploring it as best I could without alerting them to the fact I was trying to find a way to control them.
I could sense their locations at all times. And I was steadily learning the cave system based on their movements. I had even learnt where the exit into the forest lay.
Now all I had to do was wait. I had time to learn.
Fillian was the easiest. I sent him loneliness and longing, making him crave me, desperate to see me again. It had worked - at first. But the more I sent him, the more my reason fled, until I found myself crying, needy, wanting. I barely recognised myself. When I pulled back from him and tried to shut them out as Valko seemed able to do, I was finally granted relief.
Each time I poked the bond, I learnt something new. I may have been able to sway Fillian, and incite rage and lust in Lucien, but Valko still pushed me away. He could close himself off to me while connected to the others, even after I had tasted his blood. I needed to learn how to master his skill so I could truly hide myself from them.
Whenever Valko tied me to the table, I bettered myself, burying the hate seething beneath - though I was unsure now if I was forcing this rage, as every time they touched me my blood sang and my soul was complete. When I was alone, I burnt with dreams of how I would kill them, but together, I became soft and malleable.
Fillian was my best chance at freedom. I had yet to discover how I could use him when Valko was the only one who ever entered the dungeon. He came to clean my body after Lucien and Fillian fucked me, like some kind of sick apology.
I prayed that Jasper or the Grandmothers would come.
Jasper’s energy had vanished when I awoke in the caves. I was terrified that he had never escaped the forest. I had to believe he had survived, that he would find me in the dark maze of trees and monsters.
This connection to the three wolves was far beyond anything I had ever experienced. Neither the gross bond my father forced on me by harvesting my blood, nor the steadfast loyalty of the connection between Jasper and I could compare.
Jasper had pledged his loyalty to me by sharing my blood, an oath that kept us bonded. There was no one in the world I trusted more. My father, on the other hand, drank because he wanted my power for himself. It was easier to rule when you could compel your subjects.
Through our connection, Jasper could locate me if I was lost or in danger. For my father, there was simply nothing. I always assumed it was because I had never drunk his blood in return.
They paled in comparison to the way I felt the wolves’ strongest emotions, track them, even feel them interacting with each other. When they took me upstairs, I finally felt whole, as if nothing in life meant anything unless they were by my side. Even my kingdom.
I tried not to acknowledge that they were changing me on such a deep level that I was scared I would not leave them if the opportunity arose.
When Valko brought me out, it was both torture and bliss. Fillian showered me with chaste kisses and gentle words, exploring my body like I was the greatest treasure he had ever held. I gave way completely every time he was inside me. While Lucien was so much rougher, releasing all his rage, snarling and clawing at me, fucking me like I did not matter to him even though I could feel how deeply he wanted me through the bond, a potent mix of lust, joy, and hate.
And Valko…Valko was the worst. Unless he was dragging me back and forth to the main chamber where they fucked me, or cleaning my body, he never touched me. After that raw moment together, his harsh treatment was agonising.
I could feel Valko’s eyes boring into me each time they tied me down, his bond cut off so severely that all that remained was an empty void. So different from the nothingness of my father, because I could feel how vast the emptiness was, and I craved to be the one to fill it.
I needed Valko as badly as I needed the others to complete me, but he continued to push me away. The only words he gave were warnings to Lucien and Fillian not to bite me. I was thankful for that, at least.
I craved them, wanting more than just their voices and their touch. I wanted to see their faces, return smiles or snarls, be free to fuck them as they did me.
When Valko left, my senses returned. At first, my body shook, grief overcoming me as I tried to scream, banging my head against the wall, attempting to force the blindfold off. I lifted my knees, trying to remove the gag, struggling against the manacles. I was determined to rip them from the wall behind me until my shoulders cracked and the pain engulfed me.
I had to escape. I had to find a way to free myself from this hell. I could not let my father’s wishes be fulfilled, no matter what pleasure they brought to my body or how much they filled my heart.