Page 23 of Blood Princess
My jaw ached desperately, and my eyes had been numb since I first awoke in this room. Now I began again to try to stretch my arms under my legs, but the chain was almost too short. I could stand, but I had to twist my body into such a position that I was certain I would break more bones. With no blood, I could not heal, and escape would become a fruitless endeavour, yet I still persevered. All I needed was to remove the blindfold and wait. Then I could use the last of my strength to compel one of them to walk me to the exit, to the edge of the forest, to the Crimson Palace even, and then on to the ceremony.
Only the promise of my ascension had prevented my father from opening the borders of the Cardinal Kingdom to the full might of the Indigo Empire and his own family, though the dark fae had been creeping in since he first became my mother’s consort.
Tradition stated that the Scarlet Queen took a consort from every nation on the Shade continent, giving each an equal place in the palace. But my father was twisting tradition by forcing me to marry a Cerulean prince rather than choose my own consorts. He wanted an alliance with the sirens to strengthen his army.
These wolves mourned the fact my father had hunted their people to extinction, yet they could still turn any person into a wolf with one bite. No matter how many humans, fae, sirens, nymphs, or any other creature were bitten, there were only four true ascended vampires left in the world, including my mother, if she still lived. She had refused to turn any of her consorts.
The Grandmothers could create more true vampires and uphold the tradition of our people. And they selfishly hid themselves away in the Crimson Palace, selective about who they allowed to ascend, preferring not to trouble themselves with the affairs of mortals.
All this could change if I escaped.
The combination of the manacles and leather cords had worn my wrists bloody. Braced behind me, my joints screeched as I tugged them around my hips. The gag muffled my cry as the thick metal pressed against my thumbs. It kept me quiet as I hid my pain from the bond. It was a risk, considering how easily we sensed each other.
My left wrist snapped as I bent forward, arms straight, the manacles digging into the back of my thighs, shoulders screaming as I continued. I panted heavily, squeezing every muscle to try to ignore the pain. I did not have the healing abilities of the lords of the dark fae, which repaired any wound the moment it was inflicted.
I had to continue. If I could escape the wolves, I could also escape my desire.
I pushed on, feeding one leg over the chain, stretching it behind me. My arms slid further forward, but the damage had already been done. Blood dripped from my knuckles onto the sheepskin Valko had brought me only yesterday.
The metal bit deep into my flesh, digging down to the sharp bone of my wrists. I had to force my knee back, clench harder on the gag to combat the red hot agony burning through me, pounding in time with my erratic heart. All while I focused on closing myself off from the three wolves.
One more leg, and I was free. One more push through the chains, and I could finally remove the blindfold.
And then I felt him.
Lucien stood at the top of the stairs leading down to the dungeons. A minute away, at best.
I snarled and forced myself on. It was perfect timing, if only I could feed my next leg through.
I had hoped the second leg would be easier, but I had learnt now that hope was a vain thing. I gasped at the pure force of agony that shot through me, sounding a snap as my other wrist gave way. A moment later, the jingle of keys hailed his arrival.
I quickly threw myself down, my back against the wall, knees to my chest, hands hidden against my stomach. No time to remove the blindfold as the door swung open.
If I could drink his blood, let him fall under my control, then freedom would be mine.
I’d been fighting it for days. My anger helped drown out my wolf, who was demanding I claim her.
We had brought her here to pay for the destruction of our people. Yet she didn’t fight me last night when we tied her down. She opened her legs and welcomed my cock, and I couldn’t hold back. And I kept praising her, for fuck’s sake.
Every single fucking time Val brought her up from the dungeon it was all about Fil. ’Fillian needs to learn’, ’Fillian’s wolf must be sated’, ’we have to ensure he doesn’t go feral’. Our almighty fucking alpha was so concerned about making sure Fil was cared for that he even taught Fillian as I fucked her, talking him through what I was doing, and completely ruining my fun.
She was my fucking mate, and I was letting Val distract me even when she had been spread out before me like the finest meal.
My wolf was raging, especially when her back arched on the table and I swear I could hear her call Fil’s name as he made her come.
And all because he was going feral?
Yeah, fuck that.
I was fine arguing Fil’s case to Valko when he was howling the night away, but it wasn’t like I didn’t have ulterior motives when I first convinced Val to bring her back out of the dungeon.
Though she moaned and writhed beneath me, she softened and purred for Fillian - it was a fucking nightmare. Jealousy bloomed every time I heard Fil groan, or her muffled cries as he stroked her pussy.
I didn’t give a fuck about any grand plan or ransom when I first put my cock in her. All I wanted was to bite her.