Page 12 of Face Your Demon
“Her stepfather died in the fire that landed her in the juvie facility,” Jude continued. “I guess she started young.”
Looked that way.
A killer? He’d stared right into her eyes and hadn’t seen what she really was. He was slipping. Or maybe she was just very good at lying.
“From what I can tell, she’s been selling out her services to the, ah …”
Zane glanced up at him, eyes narrowed.
“Highest bidder for the last few years. If you’ve got a supernatural you want taken down, she’s your girl. Vamps, charmers, low-level demons—she’s a real equal-opportunity killer.”
How can I ever thank you?
Such a sweet, lying mouth. He stared down at the picture again. At her. He’d really thought she might be innocent.
He kept making the same dumb-ass mistakes.
“You gonna be okay on this one?” Jude asked quietly.
The office buzzed around them. Phones rang. Voices called out.
Zane tucked her picture into his back pocket.
Jude frowned. “Look, I know the last Ignitor case you worked with was?—”
“I handled her, didn’t I?” Zane fired back, breaking through the words.
Jude’s head moved in the faintest of nods.
Handled her. Such cool words for the death he’d given the other woman. “I can do my job. I can do what needs to be done.” The same spiel he’d given Pak, but he meant the words. Nothing, no one would stop him.
“Good.” Pak spoke from behind him, and Zane tensed. “Because Jacobson gave me a location. He says the woman found him in a dive called Dusk. It’s a new club that opened on St. Antony and?—”
“I know the place,” Zane said, exhaling. Word traveled fast in this town. “It’s a den.” A demon’s den. The place for his brethren to go in and take their drugs of choice. Darkness rode many of his kind, and the drugs, oh, they tempted.
“Oh, shit, man, I can take this one,” Jude offered. “I know you?—”
“Can take on a den any day of the week.” Damn, but he regretted the drunken night he’d made the mistake of spilling his past to the tiger shifter. That guy never forgot anything.
“Then go get her,” Pak ordered. “Bring her in. No matter what it takes, bring her in.”
Time to take another killer off the streets.
* * *
“You shouldn’t go in there.” The husky, very female voice stopped Zane cold just as he prepared to climb the steps leading up to Dusk.
The voice was laced with a soft drawl, edged with a breath of sex, and it crawled over his body like a caress.
A demon shoved past him, heading inside Dusk, and when the door opened, the beat of the music blasted Zane’s ears and the scent of drugs burned his nostrils.
“Of course, you don’t have to listen to me,” she murmured. Jana. He turned his head a few inches to the right and saw her slide from the darkness. “It can be your funeral.”
She looked vulnerable. Small, delicate. Almost helpless as she stood in the shadows with her arms crossed over her chest. Watching him with such big eyes.
But her words… “Did you just threaten me?” He moved away from the door. Turned his back on the den and began to stalk her.
She crept once more toward the shadows, and he followed her. His heart rate kicked up. She’s making it too easy.