Page 13 of Face Your Demon
“You won’t believe this,” she told him, “but I’m not the threat tonight. Well, not the one you need to be worried about.”
She was close enough to grab.
A soft sigh slipped past her lips as her hands dropped to her sides. “You shouldn’t have come here. You should’ve just taken the demon in and called it a day.”
A shocked laugh broke from his lips, one without a drop of humor. “Lady, you killed someone in that alley.”
She flinched. “The vampire would have killed me. I didn’t have a choice.” Her right hand lifted and rubbed against her chest. Thanks to his demon-enhanced senses, he saw the blood on her shirt, and he caught the coppery scent on the wind. “What did you want me to do?” she asked, and heat blasted through her words. “Just stand there and let him cut my heart out?”
A muscle jerked in his jaw.
“Or maybe I should have waited for you,” she muttered, those sexy eyes narrowing, “like he wanted. I should have waited, and then I should have made sure you were the one who didn’t walk out of that alley.”
His hands flew out and he caught her, pulling her close and lifting her right off her toes. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m easy to kill.”
Her chin inched up. “And you don’t need to make the mistake of thinking you’re immortal. Everyone can die. Everyone.”
“You’d know, wouldn’t you, baby? You kill for the highest bidder.”
She didn’t blink. Those eyes stayed locked on him, still blue. The fire hadn’t lit within her yet. If it had, her eyes would have been blood red.
“Do you know what I did to the last Ignitor who came at me with fire in her eyes?” he demanded. Her mouth was temptingly close. He’d kissed that mouth before. Tasted her. Wanted more. Fool.
A guy’s dick could get him into some serious trouble.
“Dumbass,” she said, and his eyes narrowed. “I’m not charging up. I’m trying to warn you.”
“About what?”
“My services.” The right side of her mouth kicked up into a hard smile, and damn if a dimple didn’t wink at him. Deceptive package. “Who do you think the number-one target is in this town? Who do you think the demons want taken out? The vamps?”
“That’s right. You. The vamp in that alley wanted you taken out, and he sure wasn’t the only one to want a fried demon handed to him.” Her gaze darted behind him to Dusk. “The demons sure don’t like that you’ve been hunting your own kind.”
Fuck them. “I don’t hunt them all.” What? Was he defending himself? To her? “Just the ones who cross the line.” His fingers were digging too hard into her arms.
He took a breath and let her slide back to the ground, let her feet touch down, but he didn’t free her. Wouldn’t. He had plans for Jana Carter.
“What line?” she asked him, shaking her head. “The one you made up? The one that says some folks are bad, some are good, and smart, all-powerful you gets to punish the ones you think screwed up?”
He glared at her. Like she could judge him.
“Maybe I should let them rip you apart.” Her tongue flashed out to lick her bottom lip.
He couldn’t help it. His stare dipped and followed that fast lick. His body tightened. Damn. He took a breath, and swore he tasted her. “If you’d been smart, you would’ve left town. After you killed the vamp, you should have run.”
“Maybe.” A shrug. “But you came into the fire for me.”
Because he’d thought she needed him. Thought she was a human who’d needed rescuing. The truth was that the woman could have gotten out of that house without the flames even touching one inch of her perfect skin.
“No one’s ever tried to save me before,” she added. “I thought you were sweet.”
He growled.
“So I wanted to even the score.” Another shrug that sent her dark hair settling over her shoulders. “I knew you’d come looking for me. I figured it was only fair to give you a warning.”
Fair? The woman who torched for a living wanted to talk fair? Zane could only shake his head. “Thanks, baby, but believe me, I don’t need your help.”