Page 22 of Face Your Demon
“I’m fucking you.”
Chapter Four
Need ate at his gut. A white-hot, burning need that fired Zane’s body from the inside out. He could smell her. Jana. Her scent was all around him, the rich scent of her sex tormenting him.
His vision had narrowed to her. He could barely hear what she was saying because his heart drummed too loudly in his ears, the blood flowing too fast and hard.
She trembled in his grasp. Trembled. Small and weak. Ready for him. Her mouth—red and swollen. He’d kiss her. He’d touch her. He’d fuck her. He’d do anything he wanted.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” she said, her eyes big and wide. “I know you said, but I don’t want to.”
Hurt him? Nothing could hurt him. No one.
“I don’t want to, but I will. And you’ll probably even thank me for this tomorrow.” Her chin tilted back. “Take your hand off me or?—”
He laughed at her. Laughed, picked her up, and tossed her onto the old bed in the corner. Dust billowed in the air.
“I warned you,” she said, then bit her lip as fire crackled in the air. A hot, thick circle of orange flame.
He waved his hand and the fire vanished.
“Wh—” She shook her head, sending that black mane flying over her shoulders. Her eyes narrowed, and the fire flared again.
With barely a thought, he put out the fire. The power of the demon burned wild and free in him, pulsing, just beneath the skin.
His knees hit the mattress, and then he covered her body. “That the best you got?” Wouldn’t be good enough. Nothing would.
A thick, choking darkness pressed against him, and she was the only damn light he could see. Her and her flames. Already flickering again.
His face hovered over hers. “You can’t hurt me.” His temples throbbed. And her smell…fucking driving me crazy. There was nothing like the scent of a woman’s arousal. And Jana was aroused. He smelled her cream, and he had felt the tight buds of her nipples. “Nothing can hurt me.”
“Really? Sorry to do this but…” Then her knee drove into his groin. A vicious, fast drive that sent pain radiating through his body. “But our first time together isn’t going to be while you’re flying on tranqs.”
Fuck. His hand locked around her hip. The light around her face began to fade, even as the flames flew higher. Burned brighter.
Burn, let the fucking fire burn, can’t touch me, can’t hurt me.
“Zane?” A breath of sound, a gasp, lost. Her gaze caught his. There was fear in her eyes. Fear lurking in that river of blue.
Afraid…of me.
He had her on the bed. His body shoved hard against hers. What the hell was he doing?
His back teeth clenched, and he fought through the waves of lust. Through the darkness tangling his mind and the need that stole his breath.
“Something’s wrong with you. Your eyes…”
He squeezed his eyes shut and fought to pull back the beast. But he was slipping off the leash. Slipping.
Her breath whispered over his face.
“It’s okay,” he lied, and he forced his hand off her hip. Her scent. “I’m in control now.” His fingers gripped the old, dirty covers. Ripped them. His lashes lifted, slowly. Her eyes were on him, and she instantly trapped his gaze.