Page 23 of Face Your Demon
Bed. Jana. Sweet skin. Hot fire.
“It’s okay,” he said again, growling the words and hoping like hell that he could stay in control. Focus.
What was happening to him? His body was so tight. Ready to explode. And he wanted her more than he wanted breath. Wanted her, open and ready, with the heat blazing around them. No, from them.
His head was going to explode. A hard, fierce pounding thundered at both temples, and a flicker of light danced in the air.
“Jana, it’s going to be all…right.”
Her breath sighed out.
He could hold on to his control. He could keep the devil inside. He could?—
Jana shouted his name, and Zane blacked out.
* * *
“Zane? Zane!”
He’d crashed on top of her. His eyes had flickered in those last few moments, shooting back and forth from green to black, and she’d thought, really thought for a moment there, that he was coming back. Him, Zane, not the demon inside him.
Then his eyes had flashed pitch black.
And he’d slammed into her. No, onto her.
She tried to suck in a deep breath. Tried and failed. Oh, the guy weighed a ton. Of course. And he had her smashed into the lumpy mattress. “Uh, Zane?” She tried tapping his shoulder.
His head was nestled in the crook of her neck. He breathed softly now, the light puffs of air sending a shiver over her each time they touched her sensitive flesh.
Alive, just passed out.
She shifted a bit as she tried to maneuver from underneath him, but Zane was pure muscle. Thick muscle.
Her breath rasped out, and she stared up at the ceiling. “Great. Just great.”
Trapped beneath a demon. Talk about one hell of an ending to her already screwed-up night.
* * *
Antonio stared at the intel he’d just received. The woman in the emailed photo didn’t look particularly dangerous. Delicate features, wide eyes. Sexy mouth.
But if he’d learned anything in this business, well, it was that the surface lied.
“Put out an APB for Jana Carter,” he told Officer Penton. The fresh-faced kid stood next to him, watching with narrowed eyes and nervous hands. “This woman is wanted in connection with a series of arsons in New Orleans.” And probably a few in Baton Rouge. “We’ve got intel to suggest that she’s in the area.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Tell the cops out there to be careful. This one is extremely dangerous.”
“She’s armed?”
Didn’t have to be armed to be dangerous. “Yes,” he lied. He seemed to spend most of his days lying. “She’s not to be approached. If she’s spotted, I want to be contacted ASAP.” He held Penton’s stare, driving the point home. “No one is to approach or try to apprehend her without me.” Because if the cops went up against someone like her?—
He’d be cleaning up the ashes.
Penton nodded quickly and hurried off to spread the news. Antonio looked down at his watch. Almost noon. It had sure taken Pak a long time to play ball and send that info. Pat must have been holding out, hoping for word from Zane. Word that hadn’t come.