Page 42 of Fastlander Fury
Whooo girl, you taking me out?
She laughed. Hallie liked this. He wasn’t fighting her meager offerings like Derek used to do. Derek had wanted that control of having something to hold over her head.
I’m taking you out, and if you’re real good I might even spring for dessert. There’s this pie place I found in Laramie that’s to die for.
Deal. We may have to push it back to a little later though. I have an appointment at four.
An appointment? So mysterious. Well good, that will give me a chance to come back to Corey’s and change before dinner.
Wear booty shorts.
She snickered. My ex hated when I wore those in public. Send.
Fuck that dude. Cut them shorter.
She belted out a laugh.
Before she could reply, another text from Gunner came through. I’m not trying to be mysterious, just didn’t want to jinx it. Job interview.
She let off a little gasp. No jinxing it. Just tell me how it goes at dinner.
Don’t be upset if I don’t get it. Long shot.
You will get laid either way. Send.
Oh fuck. A three-second video came through of him in his dimly-lit truck. He had his eyebrows arched at the camera. He looked so handsome, glowing eyes and all.
Are you texting and driving? Send.
Hell no. A picture of the for-sale sign at the end of the gravel drive came through. Making sure you got to the house safe, and then I got stuck still wanting to talk to you. I’m driving back to the motel now. Sleep like a log, pretty girl. And thank you.
For what? Send.
For pushing me to apologize. Tonight was good.
She hugged the blanket that Cadence had insisted she keep tighter to her chest, and read that last text three times.
That man was something else. Drive safe. Send.
“That’s a love-smile,” Corey said.
Hallie yelped and dropped her phone, startled by her cousin’s presence.
Corey was leaning against the wall at the mouth of the hallway, arms crossed. She looked tired.
“Hey!” Hallie greeted her. “What are you doing up?”
“Can’t sleep,” she said, sitting at the table. There was a stack of mail, and she pushed it toward the empty spot at the table. “You got something.”
With a frown of confusion, Hallie sat down at the table and set the blanket next to her, then pulled the letter on top up so she could read the return address.
There wasn’t one, but she recognized the handwriting on the address. Her heart dropped to the floor, and she whispered, “What the fuck?”
Corey looked haunted. “He sent the rest of these to my office over the past couple of days.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, sifting through the letters. All were the same—no return address.
“You seemed happy and hopeful, and I thought he would send one or two and then let up. These four arrived today, and there was one in the mailbox.”