Page 43 of Fastlander Fury
“He’s a psychopath,” Hallie said, her blood chilling.
“I didn’t really understand that until now,” Corey admitted. “This is scary, Hallie.”
She swallowed audibly and opened the top letter. Inside was a folded piece of computer paper. She unfolded it and read the words on the page.
Hallie, I miss you. I think you’ve mistaken my intentions. I want to make you my wife. I gave up everything for you.
I’ll never give up on us.
There was no name signed, but it was from Derek.
Her breath shook as she opened the next one.
I think about you all the time. You keep blocking me, but you don’t understand. I want to take care of you. I want to have babies with you.
The next letter said:
Hallie. Please come home. I’m wasted without you. My family is all worried. Our family is worried. I’m not okay. Unblock me.
The next:
Why don’t you update your Instagram page? You aren’t scared of me. I know you aren’t. I’m the only one who really knows you. I know what you want.
Hallie, please.
That one was written on his office letterhead. Sloppy, Derek.
Was he drunk when he wrote these?
She opened the next.
Hallie, I need to see you. I need to be inside of you.
Tears burned her eyes, and she crumpled up the last letter. Stunned, she stared out the window. “He will never stop,” she said, angry.
Corey had pulled the open letters to herself, and looked horrified at reading them. “We need to take these to the police.”
“They already told me they can’t do anything about stalkers unless he does something physically harming to me.”
“He broke your fucking nose.”
“And I didn’t go to the police about it then.”
“Hallie, he knows where we live.”
“I’ll fix it.”
“How? By running? That’s not working.”
“This isn’t your problem.”
“It is my problem! It’s my problem!” Corey’s cheeks were red with anger. “You are my family, Hallie.” She held up the letters. “This guy is a crazy person. It’s too much. Too heavy. You can’t ignore these.”
“I’m not ignoring them.”
“Let’s just go to the police,” Corey pleaded.
Hallie dashed her hand across her damp cheeks. The awful feeling was back. The darkness was back, and she hated it. She looked down at the blanket she’d gotten from that little mobile home up in Damon’s Mountains, and she wished things were different.