Page 17 of Crave
She chuckles. “Sounds good…but wait, do you remember the plan?”
I shake my head in faux disbelief. “Of course, I remember the plan, honey. It’s really not that hard to remember, and you practically made me flash cards.”
She rolls her eyes at me, but her lips tug into a smile. “Don’t be so dramatic. Just repeat it so I know that you know it. Please?”
I drop my voice to a low murmur. “If anybody asks, we met last month at the bistro when I came in to have lunch. I gave you my number and things started from there. We visited the waterfall in Desire Falls on our first date. We definitely did not meet at a Damian Holt concert last week and immediately go back to my place to have sex.”
“Okay, good, just don’t say that last part.”
I laugh. “You really think people are going to quiz us on our relationship?”
“You didn’t go to Chester High,” she mutters darkly. “Believe me, the only reason most of these people are here is to quiz each other on their lives.”
I slip my arm around her, pulling her close to me as we head toward the buffet table. “Come on, then. If we’re going to spend all night being interrogated, we might as well eat first.”
I can’t help but swell with pride as I walk with Esme. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and for tonight, she’s officially mine. My girlfriend. And I want every man here to know it. Honestly, I’d prefer ‘wife’, but even ‘girlfriend’ is enough to make my heart do somersaults.
Someone intercepts us as we head for the buffet. A short girl with pink hair, smiling widely. “Hey, Esme! Long time no see.”
“Luna!” Esme sounds genuinely happy as she reaches out to hug Luna. “It’s so good to see you again.”
I listen as they catch up, talking about their fond memories from sitting together in math class until the conversation finally circles toward me.
“This is my boyfriend, Grant,” Esme says, gesturing to me.
Hearing her say it out loud makes me want to roar with happiness, shouting to everyone in the room that Esme is mine and mine only. I want them all to hear. Especially that asshole Josh, who I just noticed arrive hand-in-hand with his girlfriend. Even if the words aren’t real, even if I’m not really her boyfriend…hell, I don’t know what I am at this point…hearing those words come from her sweet mouth makes me more determined than ever to make them a reality. I want Esme to point at me, her finger sparkling with a ring as she says loud enough for everyone to hear, “That’s my husband”. And I want the words to be true. Fuck, I want it so bad I can almost taste it.
I nod at Luna, letting Esme tell the made-up story of how we met while I grip her hand tighter. I’m going to make you my wife, I think, my eyes drifting to her face as she speaks animatedly to Luna, her brown eyes gleaming. Even if I have to spend my whole life convincing you, Esme, one day you will be my wife.
I was so nervous about coming here tonight, but it’s easy to relax into the evening with Grant by my side, one of his large protective hands resting on my waist. Despite all my worries, it’s actually been pretty nice to catch up with people like Luna. But the best part of tonight is getting to pretend Grant is really my boyfriend, strolling around with him hand-in-hand just like every other couple.
I watch him as he surveys the room, and it strikes me all over again how handsome he is. How he towers over every other guy here, protecting me with his size and his muscle, making me feel safe. He catches my gaze and smiles at me, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on my lips.
How could I ever have thought this man was like Josh? He has proven over and over that he is kind and caring and so damn perfect. He’s broken down every barrier with those deep blue eyes and that smile that’s meant for me alone. Why the hell shouldn’t this be real? Why should my bad experience with Josh stop me from being happy with Grant?
I can see Josh now in the opposite corner of the room, laughing with some guys I don’t recognize. I see his eyes fix on some girl’s ass as she walks past him—a girl who is definitely not his girlfriend. God, what did I ever see in that jerk?
“I’m just going to the bathroom real quick,” Grant says, cupping my cheek. “Will you be okay?”
I nod, smiling at him. “Of course. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll be right back.”
He strides out of the gym, and I watch him go, wondering how the hell I got so lucky. I’ve made up my mind. Screw this whole fake boyfriend thing. Screw ‘one-night stand’. What I have with Grant is real…it warms me up and fills my heart with so much joy. I want to be with him, to really be with him: exclusively, officially, always.
“Hey.” The voice pulls me from my thoughts, and my heart lurches unpleasantly when I see who it is. Josh is standing in front of me, smirking lazily.
“What do you want?” I try to keep my voice cool, but in my head, I’m screaming at him to go away.
Josh shrugs, his smirk still in place. “I saw that guy you’re with.”
Hearing Josh refer to Grant as ‘that guy’ makes something in my chest tighten with rage.
“That guy is my boyfriend.”