Page 18 of Crave
Josh nods, his smirk twisting into fake pity. “I just thought I should warn you about him.”
“What the heck are you talking about?”
Josh sighs dramatically. “Turns out your boyfriend is a total player.”
I snort. I can’t help it. “Nice try Josh.”
Josh is pissed off by my amusement. His dramatic sighs and fake pity are gone, replaced by something meaner. Colder. “You think I’m lying? Ask Madison’s fiancé.” He points toward a guy in a suit standing next to Madison. “Apparently Grant dated his sister, Julia, a while back. He was all sweet one second, then as soon as she agreed to make things official, he stopped giving a shit. Got bored of her in about five seconds and dumped her. She thinks he's a fucking jerk.”
I feel like a block of ice is sliding down my back, my skin turning cold with fear. “You’re lying. That’s bullshit. Grant’s not that kind of guy…he’s not like you.”
Josh rolls his eyes at me. “Grow up, Esme. You’re lucky I even looked twice at you.”
I ball my fists, anger pulsing through me, red hot. “You’re the lucky one, asshole. I was so good to you even though you didn’t deserve it. You were selfish, lazy, mean, and you couldn’t give a girl an orgasm if your life depended on it. I feel so sorry for your new girlfriend. She’ll have to get used to disappointment pretty damn quick.”
For a moment, Josh is speechless. Then his shock gives way to rage. “You fucking bitch, I—”
His words are cut off with a cry as his body is thrown against the wall behind us. He slams against it hard, and I turn to see Grant advancing toward him, his eyes burning.
“What the fuck did you just call her?” he growls, his fists tight.
Josh peels himself away from the wall, scowling up at Grant. But I can see the fear in his eyes as Grant towers over him, making him shrink back with trepidation.
“I don’t want any trouble, man,” Josh mutters. He looks around at the crowds of people watching on, embarrassed and defeated.
Serves you right, asshole.
“Tonight’s your lucky night,” Grant snaps. “I don’t want to beat your ass with ladies present. But if I ever see you within a hundred feet of my girlfriend again, you won’t be so lucky.”
Josh looks at Grant and then at me before he skulks away, his face bright red.
Grant turns to me, ignoring the onlookers as he pulls me toward him. “Come on, honey. Let’s get out of here.”
* * *
Once we’re out in the parking lot, Grant shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over my shoulders, wrapping me up tight.
“Are you okay, Esme?” he asks, peering at me with concern.
I nod. “Thank you for what you did back there. It meant a lot.” I want to kiss him, to thank him properly, but I can’t get Josh’s poisonous words out of my head.
“Your boyfriend is a total player.”
Grant is still looking at me, trying to decipher the hurt on my face. “I’m sorry I convinced you to come here tonight. You don’t need to prove anything to those jerks. Fuck what they think.”
I finally look up at him. “I’m glad I came, Grant. I had a great time with you. Not even Josh could ruin that.”
His lips tug into a relieved smile, but his eyes are still searching my face as he asks, “Then why do you look so sad?”
Crap. Do I really want to repeat Josh’s words? Do I truly want that asshole getting inside my head?
“Hey,” Grant says, resting an encouraging hand on my shoulder. “You can tell me anything. No secrets.”
I wring my hands nervously and let it all rush out in one big sentence. “Josh says you dated a girl called Julia a while back—apparently she’s Madison’s fiancé’s sister—and well…apparently she thinks you’re a jerk and a player…well that’s what Josh says anyway, and I know he’s not reliable and I’m not saying I believe it, I just—”
“Honey, slow down,” Grant says. “Did you say Julia?”
I nod. “Josh said that you dated her but dumped her as soon as things got serious because you were bored. I know it’s none of my business…”