Page 19 of Summer Nights
“Shit, that’s cold!”
“Scarlett…” The rumble that comes from Dawson sends a chill down my spine. But I keep a hold of my facade as I turn to face him.
It's obvious he sees straight through me, as he slowly stalks towards me.
“You are going to get it.” The menacing tone to his voice sends a shiver through my body. Before I can even defend myself, he’s reached me at a speed I couldn’t have matched. Dawson pulls the spray gun from my grip that for some stupid reason I allow him to take. Maybe it's the shock of how quick he moved but I just stand there stunned until the spray is turned on me. I let out a shriek and run over to the guys ducking down and attempting to take cover behind Pike who then gets drenched.
“Oh hell no Princess.” Pike chuckles, turning around and lifting me up and over his shoulder before spinning me around.
We run amuck for ages. Nicky catches Dacre in the face with the spray of water and we all freeze. The soft and gentle guy I was coming to know instantly turns dark and intimidating as we watch him chase after Nicky. The bikes get washed during our water fight. We’re all soaking wet as we eventually surrender. My cheeks are sore from the amount of smiling and laughing I’ve done today. Being around these guys is just different. It's so natural. Like I knew them in another life.
We take our time driving back to my place. The sun has well and truly set by this point. Thankfully, it is summer so while the wind is cool against our wet skin, we don’t freeze.
We pull into my driveway, parking the bikes back inside the garage and storing the helmets back in the cupboard. Dawson turns to me and graces me with a smile.
“Thank you so much for showing us around today Scar. We had the best time.”
“No worries at all. It was no skin off my nose. Any excuse I can get to go up there, I take it. There are still so many places that I can show you up there.”
Sonny gives me a sly smile as he walks over, crowding me into my bike and it's impossible for me to hold any kind of will power. Fuck this man knows just how to use his good looks. A serial flirt.
“Does that mean you will take us up there again? I want to see you again.”
I don’t know how long I stand there lost in his face. That pull towards not only one of these men but all of them fucking potent. It feels ridiculous of me to be attracted to every single one of them. Five guys and one girl? Sounds like the start of a wild porno. Completely and utterly fiction. But I’m powerless to stop the pull I feel. Knowing that they are only here for a month is the only reason I don’t distance myself from them. To be honest, I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. It's almost like what these men want, they get. Demanding, brooding, sex gods. Self-conscious thoughts plague me even though I try to not let them win. Sonny says he wants to see me again and by the looks on the other guys faces, that sentiment is shared. But how could they? Compared to them I’m just a mere mortal. A blushing fucking virgin. I’d be a fool to not see the kind of attention these guys attract. The ease at which they flirt. Yet, I can’t say no. I can’t turn down a month of fun before the pressure of year 12 and that of my future weighs down further on me. My decision has already been made up. A part of me also realises these guys have probably only just given me the illusion of choice to appease me. To not scare me off. But that bad boy persona is quite literally my kryptonite.
I eventually shake myself out of my contemplation. I nod, words failing me at his close proximity.
The reaction Sonny graces me with is fucking breathing taking, and I know that I am well and truly fucked.
Chapter Eight
The guys eventually say their goodbyes and head back to their accommodation for the night. I instantly miss their company once they leave. I shake myself out of my thoughts, reprimanding myself. Is this some kind of stockholm syndrome bullshit? I haven’t even known them for twenty-four hours and yet here I am missing them? Get a fucking grip, Scarlett.
I let out a sigh, lock up the garage and make my way upstairs. I quickly hop in the shower and wash my hair. While we were completely drenched from the car wash, I still feel dirty and I’m sure that my hair will thank me later.
Once dressed, I head down and try to find Grace. I laugh when I see that she is still passed out in the spare bedroom. Grace has never been able to handle alcohol. She can put it back easily, but her recovery time takes days.
I jump on the bed jostling her. “Fucckkkk…” She groans, eventually opening one eye, “I’m awake…”
“Bitch, have you been asleep all day?”
She opens the other eye and looks up at me. “There is a high possibility I have. Why? What did I miss?”
“Well, do you remember those guys from last night that dropped me home?” She tips her head slightly, a small frown on her face as if she is flipping through her memories from last night. It must eventually come to her, because she turns a cheeky smile at me.
“Oh wait, do you mean those what? Four...”
“Five.” I quickly correct. Her eyes bug out at me.
“Fuck me dead! Well, five deliciously handsome men who seemed absolutely enamoured by you?”
I smack her on the arm but she just laughs at me. “Yes, yes I do remember them. Why?” She quirks an eyebrow at me.
“Well… Last night I offered to be their tour guide and show them around. I got a call from one of the guys, Nicky, this morning and I ended up taking them up to Five Rocks for the day.”