Page 20 of Summer Nights
“Damn girl! Give me all of the tea!” She sits up quickly, wiggling herself in spot like an excited golden retriever waiting for its treat.
I fill Grace in on all the details of the day, not sparing her any of the details. If guys think that a girl's best friend only gets the very minimal details, they would be sorely mistaken.
By the end, Grace’s jaw has dropped and she is looking at me in awe. She slides off the bed on to her knees, raises her arms and fucking bows.
“What the fuck, you dickhead?” I laugh.
“You are my hero. Queen fucking Scarlett with her harem of five delicious American boys.” Her eyes look comical with how wide they are. “Do you realise just what I would do to have a harem of my own? And five at that? You are winning!” She exclaims before flopping back down on the bed with a grunt.
“They aren’t my anything Grace. Besides, they will be jetting back home before I know it.” I can’t help but feel disappointed at the harsh reality of our situation. Because while they quite literally tick every single box I could have possibly dreamed of, any kind of a relationship would be doomed. Time zones and polar opposite lives are too risky for a successful relationship. Plus, why would they even want to share one girl between the five of them.
“Fuck off Scar. Sonny literally said, “I want to see you again.” That doesn’t sound like a guy that wants a tour guide. That sounds like a guy obsessed and who wouldn’t mind playing a game of hide the sausage.” I then question my entire friendship with this girl as she starts fake fucking the air.
“You're fucked in the head.” I grimace but a laugh escapes me before I can control it. We are two halves of a whole idiot, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“The real question is, which of those hunks is going to deflower our precious Scarlett?” I gape at her. She just shrugs at me. “What? It's time girl. I get that you don’t just want to fuck any Joe blow, but you can’t stay a virgin forever.” She looks at me seriously, and I already know she is going to bestow some of her famous ‘wisdom’ on me.
“At the end of the day, all men suck. You just have to find one with skilled fingers and a big enough dick to make you forget about their red flags.”
I shake my head but not before a giggle that turns into a fit of laughter escapes me.
“This is why we are best friends.”
“You know it.” She says with a smile, but her expression soon turns serious. “I know there is a lot of pressure on your shoulders at the moment but it's time that you let your hair down. Live in the moment. Pursue whatever this thing is with the five American boys who quite literally splashed into your life. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.” I nod, letting her continue.
“You never know how things might turn out with them. It could be a flop in the romance department, and you just gain some new friends or it could turn into something more.”
I can’t help but completely agree with her. Damn her for knowing me so well and being able to help me see through my own self-deprecating thoughts.
“Thank you, Grace.”
“Anytime babe. Come on, let's order some Maccas. If I don’t fill my belly, I’m gonna chuck.”
I laugh at her, just noticing just how pale her face is.
We stuff our faces with as much greasy shit that we can manage. We sit around watching binge worthy reality TV shows for the rest of the night. This routine seems to be our post hangover cure and I refuse to complain. My phone dings and I jump slightly, having been so engrossed in the trash on the TV.
Hey Scar, thank you so much again for today.
I hope we didn’t scare you off with everything…
Not at all sweet boy. It was quite the opposite really…
Wait, really?
Yeah! I loved spending the day with you guys and getting to know you. It was exciting being able to show someone new one of my favourite places.
It's like seeing it again but through someone else’s eyes.