Page 16 of In the Shadows
It was almost two in the morning when I finally left Cami’s and took an Uber home. Work would have to wait until Monday evening, but I could afford to take a few nights off since I’d made twenty-five grand.
Once I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas, I strolled to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Hydrating always helped me avoid a hangover, and I hadn’t done well in the water department that night.
Gathering a glass from the cabinet, I pushed the rim against the water dispenser on my refrigerator. A reflection caught my attention in the window directly above the sink, and a shudder ran through my body as the hair rose on the back of my neck. Spinning around, I clutched the glass as water sloshed over the edge and landed on my bare feet.
My legs threatened to buckle and betray me. He stood tall and wore a black hood that shrouded his grim reaper mask, and I looked into cold, grey eyes peering at me through the shadows. His lips curved into a terrifying smile through the face covering, and a deafening scream erupted from my throat. I dropped the glass on the tile floor, the fragile pieces shattering in every direction. Fuck!
Rather than fleeing, he stared at me. Without looking away from him, I stepped backward, mentally scolding myself for not installing an alarm system already. If I had, the police would be on their way once I pushed a hidden button in the house. Instead, I was left glancing around for my phone, which was most likely on my damn nightstand.
An eerie calm washed over me as our eyes locked, the deafening roar in my ears the only sound.
He moved away from the window before he appeared at the door leading into my kitchen from the backyard. The top half was glass, and all he had to do was break it, reach in, and unlock it.
Goosebumps skated across my skin, and my teeth chattered, waiting for his next move. Rooted in place, I fisted my hand as my chest heaved, and I willed myself to fucking run.
He raised a black-gloved hand, placed his palm against the window, and paused before disappearing into the night.
My legs collapsed beneath me, and my knees smacked the unforgiving ground as I dragged myself around the treacherous shards of glass that littered my path. Closing and locking the door behind me, I pulled myself onto my queen-sized bed and snatched up my phone. In seconds, 9-1-1 was on the line.
I stumbled through answering the questions, barely remembering my address as the lady took my report.
“The police are on the way. Please stay on the line until they arrive.”
I curled into a ball at the head of my bed, shaking so hard I was afraid I might puke, and my frantic heartbeat ticked away the time as I waited.
“Ma’am, they’ve reached your residence and will ring the doorbell. Please stay on the line until you confirm that Officer Bexley and Officer Huang are with you.”
With a trembling voice, I replied, “Okay. Thank you.” I hurried to the front door and peered out of the peephole, verifying two uniformed men were standing on my porch. Carefully, I left the chain in place and cracked it open.
“Ma’am, we’re Officer Bexley and Huang. We received a call that you had an intruder.”
I nodded and returned my attention to the operator listening to our conversation. “Thank you for staying on the phone with me. The cops are here.”
“You’re welcome. Have a good evening.” The woman disconnected the call.
Once I removed the chain, I welcomed the police into my home.
“Do you mind if we have a look around?” Officer Bexley asked.
“No, of course not.” I glanced over my shoulder and spotted a tall figure across the street. Before I had time to point him out to the cops, it disappeared into the darkness. I rubbed my bare arms, willing the nightmare to disappear along with the masked man. But somewhere inside, I knew it was the same person who had stared through my window and into my soul. I just wanted to know how long he’d waited for me.
My thoughts were in a dangerous whirlwind as I followed the police around the house with my heart in my throat.
Chapter 8
“Stop stressing. You look stunning.” Cami thoughtfully tapped her chin and paced the width of her bedroom.
Since our college graduation, Cami had lived in the same building in the Pearl district. Before I bought my house, I’d shared the apartment with Cami. Even though it had an older interior, we’d revitalized its white walls with art and decorations. When we learned that we could add a removable accent wall, we nearly peed our pants with excitement. We chose a dark, shabby-chic theme, which added depth to the space. We adored the look so much that we gave the living room the same treatment.
“You’re missing som—” Her eyes widened, and she snapped her fingers.
“Apparently you’ve figured it out.” I smoothed the form-fitting, backless, black dress with a slit up the right thigh, my thoughts returning to the man at my door last night. I’m safe here.
I inhaled deeply, forcing myself to return my attention to the dress. It had taken Cami a good hour to talk me into wearing it for my evening with Sebastian. This dress was sexy—really sexy. It was one thing to be provocative in the cam job, but this was real life, and I was terrified of going out with Sebastian. With his heart-stopping smile and accent, I could see him charming his way into my bed.
“Pff, of course I did.” She waved me off before she hurried to the jewelry box and removed a strand of pearls. “This will be perfect.”