Page 17 of In the Shadows
I swept my hair off my neck before she fastened the necklace. “Thanks for your help. I need the distraction after last night.”
“Don’t forget that you’re not going home until your alarm system is installed tomorrow, so after your hot date, have him drop you off here.”
I chewed on my bottom lip and willed myself not to cry. After the cops had taken my statement and left, I’d called my bestie. She’d rushed over to be with me at my place. Cami packed some clothes and toiletries, insisting I stay at with her until it was safe to return to my place. A new back door without a window and an alarm system would be installed tomorrow. I was willing to pay a rush fee to have it done.
My thoughts and emotions were in turmoil as I tried to identify the man and wondered why he hadn’t broken into my home.
Was he someone I knew? Could he be the serial killer? Without Cami’s support while preparing for my date, I might have completely lost my grip on reality.
“Do not ruin my artwork, girl!” Cami blew in my face until I started laughing. “Seriously, you look mouthwatering yummy. I mean if I were into chicks and not dicks, I would take you home with me.” She gave me an exaggerated wink and giggled.
“Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’ve already taken me to your place.” I laughed and pulled her in for a hug. “Love ya. Thank you for making me laugh.”
Cami clung to me. My bestie was strong. We both were, but it was moments like these where I caught a glimpse of how she was really feeling. Last night had scared the shit out of her as well.
“Love you too.” She dropped her arms and stepped back, placing her hands on her slender hips. “My work is done here. It’s up to you now. And you gave Sebastian my address to pick you up, right?”
I rolled my eyes at her. “For the tenth time, yes. You’re worse than my mother.”
Cami glanced at her Apple watch. “Well, the man better not be late. That doesn’t make a good impression on me.” She tilted her head, attitude rolling off her.
“Cami. I’m nervous enough. You’re making it worse.” I wiped my sweaty palms on the dress’s bodice, and Cami groaned.
“Dammit, I’m going to have to get my dress dry cleaned now!”
I was about to wipe my hands off some more just to see her turn beet red with frustration, but the sound of the doorbell interrupted me. My heart galloped into overdrive, and I took several soothing breaths.
“I’ve got it!” She ran out of her bedroom before I could catch her.
I blew out a big breath and waited to make sure it was Sebastian. Pacing the room, I couldn’t stop my smile as his deep voice soothed me. I squared my shoulders, grabbed my clutch with my phone, ID, and credit card tucked inside, and joined them in the living room. The second Sebastian saw me, his blue eyes widened, and he paused mid-sentence.
“Hi,” I said softly. “You look amazing.” My pulse jumped as I took in the sight of him: towering and imposing, his well-defined muscles evident even beneath the elegant navy suit. The pants accentuated his powerful thighs, while the jacket showcased his broad, muscular shoulders. His chiseled jaw, freshly shaven, beckoned to me, and I yearned to trace its sharp contours with my fingers. I swallowed over the dryness in my throat.
A lopsided smile eased across his face. “You look breathtaking.”
His accent was thicker than usual and anticipation swept over me.
“It’s all Cami.” I folded my hands in front of me in order not to fidget.
“No offense, but Cami couldn’t have done this. Natural beauty can’t be?—”
“You two are sucking all the oxygen from the room.” Cami turned to me. “Have fun. Be home late.” She gave me a quick hug before she turned to Sebastian. Her entire body stiffened. “Hurt my girl, and I will very slowly saw off your balls with a butter knife and feed them to you.”
Sebastian glanced at me before he answered. “I would expect no less from a best friend. Message received.”
“Excellent, then get out of my apartment. Both of you.” She squeezed my arm as I walked by.
“Keep your doors locked,” I whispered.
“Always, don’t worry about me. Go have fun.” She shooed me out and laughed as she closed the door behind us.
Sebastian extended his arm, and I slipped mine through his.
“Sorry about her.”
He patted my hand. “Don’t apologize. I know plenty of people that would give anything to have a friend like that.”
We made small talk as we walked down the hall and to the elevator. Once we entered and the doors closed, I realized no one else was in the small space. Between his proximity and the light musk of the cologne he was wearing, my body went into overdrive.