Page 10 of Snap
I pulled up a block away, and walked to the address she gave me. A small park in the middle of Storm Valley. The perfect place for a personal training session. And a safe place for people who didn't know each other. Not to mention, people working out tended to leave other people alone, even if they recognised them. I was just another person ready to get sweaty.
I mean, exercise.
I slowed down my steps as I neared the park, trying to play it cool. Walking quickly might look suspicious, like I was too eager to see her. Which I was. I hadn't thought about much other than her since we met.
Lucky for me, I didn't have training this morning, because the coach would have bawled me out for not concentrating.
Could I help it if an incredibly gorgeous woman stole all my brain cells? Okay, I'd have to claw back some focus, or I'd be off the team. That would suck, but I couldn't stop her from occupying my thoughts.
I was early, but she was already there, waiting. Her red hair was tied back in a ponytail. She wore an oversized T-shirt over black leggings which hugged her long, long legs.
As far as I could tell she wasn’t wearing a drop of makeup. She didn't need it. She was easily the most beautiful woman I ever saw. Just watching her doing warm up stretches…
She took my breath away. My cock strained in my shorts. He was eager to point her out.
I already noticed. Down boy.
I didn't think she'd seen me until she said, "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to train me?"
She looked up at me then and smiled.
My heart was a football. Someone grabbed it and ran all the way across the field to the touchdown line. They did a victory dance and punched the air for good measure.
It took me a few moments to get it to stop racing so hard.
I managed to smile back. "Hey." I walked closer and tried not to stare too much at her perfectly rounded ass. "Rule number one, don't start training until the trainer turns up." I gave her a teasing smile.
She snorted. "Rule number two, the trainer should turn up on time." Her eyes shone, A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
"I was early," I protested.
"Not early enough," she said immediately, but with a laugh in her tone.
"I'll bear that in mind," I said. "I'll turn up an hour early next time." I lowered my bag to the ground beside a bench.
"Now that would be a bit excessive," she said. "I was still asleep an hour ago."
"Me too." I pictured her asleep. Okay, I pictured her in my bed, but we could take some time to sleep here and there.
I swallowed hard. I needed to stop thinking this way, because my football shorts would do nothing to hide a raging erection.
"So, where do we start?" she asked.
"Um, actually, the stretches you were doing looked pretty good. Let’s do a few of those." I could do them in my sleep. In fact, I often did. Especially at this time of year, when the pressure was on us so hard. I dreamed about football and training. It was nice to have a break from that for a while. The Rapids wouldn’t suffer if I only thought about them twenty-three and a half hours a day.
"Okay." She bent into a stretch, head turned, watching me.
I had a feeling she was waiting to see if my muscular arms and chest would burst out of the t-shirt I wore under my unzipped hoodie. I wasn’t sure if she was hoping they would or not.
If she was, I was fine with that. I was hoping the same would happen with hers. Maybe not in public though. I didn’t want her to run off in embarrassment.
"You’re very limber," she remarked. "I guess you’re on your feet all day."
"Yeah." I turned my face so she couldn’t see my guilt at lying to her. Or at least, not telling her the whole truth. "They keep me running around a lot."
"I bet you have to keep a lot of balls in the air at once," she said.
My head jerked back around. "Balls?" Did she know who I was after all?