Page 9 of Snap
We could be in a country town somewhere in France. I suddenly wished we were. What would Ollie think of Paris? I suspected he’d prefer somewhere quieter. A château near the alps, or near the sea. I could literally call for the jet to be ready and leave in a couple of hours. A lot of guys would be impressed.
Ollie wasn’t a lot of guys. I didn’t know how I knew that, but I did. I was wrong about a lot of things, but not this.
"Just wait until you taste the coffee," I said. "You like coffee, right?" It wasn’t a deal breaker by any means, but it’s good to know what you’re dealing with up front.
He smiled. "Yeah, I like coffee. I should warn you though, I’m used to the instant stuff."
I made a face. "Yuck. You’re in for a treat." I found us an empty table near the window and slid into a chair. I stashed my bag with the blouses inside, next to the leg of the table.
"I’m sure I am." Ollie sat opposite me, right where I could look at him the whole time without seeming as though I was staring.
I was totally staring though. Did he have any idea how drop dead fucking gorgeous he was? I’ve dated models, rock stars and movie stars, but none came close to this guy. He was ‘shut up and take my virginity’ gorgeous. If I had virginity left to take. That was long gone to some country club brat while our dads were golfing.
Bored rich kids, what can I say?
I nodded to the barista who came to take our order. "Can I get a skinny latte and a piece of carrot cake please?" The skim milk in the latte would offset the calories in the cake, right? Besides, carrot cake had carrots in it. It had to be healthy. Sour cream frosting and all.
"Just a long black, please," Ollie ordered.
The barista hurried away to make our orders.
"No cake?" I asked.
"I’m not allowed— I mean, I’m trying to eat right," Ollie said regretfully.
I was curious what he was going to say, but again I didn’t push. "I can respect a guy who eats carefully," I said. "With so many good places to eat in the city, it’s hard to resist sometimes. My PT will make me work it off in the morning. If I tell her." I smiled.
"You have a personal trainer?" he asked.
Shit. This might be hard to explain.
"Um, yeah. Technically she’s my dad’s PT, but I borrow her sometimes." I liked her, and I knew she'd never get together with my father. Her wife was bigger than him.
"Maybe you should have a PT of your own," Ollie suggested.
"Is that what you do?" I cocked my head at him questioningly. Please say yes, please say yes. "Apart from advising girls on what blouse to buy."
He looked adorably awkward. "Kinda," he agreed. "I’m thinking of doing more of it maybe. When I’m—trained to do it."
"Right," I said slowly. "You’re looking for a guinea pig?" I wasn’t judging, I was offering.
His eyes lit up. "Sure, that could be fun."
I smiled. "Great. Here’s our coffee." I sat back to let the server place our mugs and plate on the table. The cake was huge. I'd have to work out for hours to burn that sucker off.
"How about we share?" I suggested. "If you’re going to work out with me, we can indulge a little now."
He hesitated until I handed him the fork.
"Okay, you win," he said. "But only because no one can eat all of that alone. I’d hate to waste any."
"I’m sure you’ll make me sweat for it," I said.
He blushed again and muttered something that sounded like, "I hope so."