Page 61 of XX Love Affair
They still went to Delia’s afterward. It was dinnertime, but neither were hungry enough to order anything or root through the fridge. Instead, Helena unzipped her dress and let the bust fall around her waist, strapless bra hitting the floor.
Delia was silent as she followed her girlfriend to the bedroom.
Whatever was in their heads after their confessions didn’t matter. Helena got exactly what she wanted – and needed – when she thrust herself onto Delia’s bed and welcomed her girlfriend on top of her. The kisses were as needy and as heavy as ever. Delia was no less rough than usual.
Yet something about this quickie that rocked the bed against the wall felt different. Maybe it was the vulnerability that had crept into her heart.
She felt something. Inside. Well above whatever Delia had in mind to stick in her.
Stick everything in me. I’m yours.
Helena had control over that. She could decide what she wanted. She could make herself available. She could even be vulnerable… sometimes.
She hated how much she now trusted Delia, the keeper of her bucket list – the depraved thoughts of a girl who attempted to convince the world she was more mature than she was.
She didn’t know what this feeling was. Beyond pleasure, pain, and grieving for the woman she would never become, there was a pull toward Dalia that made Helena sick if she thought too much about it. Because it reminded her a lot of the romantic comedies she watched as a kid and the erotic novels she now read as an adult.
She couldn’t bring herself to even think the word, so she didn’t. Helena didn’t trust her own emotions, anyway.
She only trusted her body. At least its strength never lied to her.
Part 3
XX Love Ties
Chapter 19
Delia’s favorite thing about June wasn’t the sunshine or the bustle of activity in her city. Nor did she get up early because a sense of adventure called her to destinations across the world. If anything, what Delia Benoist got out of June was the amusement of how hard people sneezed when grass seed dominated the atmosphere.
“Ah-choo!” That one was a winner, staged by an older woman in spring green and white gloves. She discreetly rubbed her nose with a silk handkerchief, apologized, and continued her conversation with her weekend women’s group.
“Why are you giggling?” Delia’s companion asked. “You still think that stuff’s funny? After all these years?”
Much to Mira Whitfield’s consternation, Delia confirmed that a good sneeze was exactly what the world needed. What she didn’t share was that she would join the club if it wasn’t for the shots she got at her clinic. The kind of stuff you can’t get over the counter. Since she was a small child, Delia was hauled into the allergy clinic for shots and medications to keep her head on her shoulders instead of exploding into a million meaty pieces every spring.
“You’re so weird.”
“Says the woman who continues to work after buying back her childhood home from me.”
“You mean the one you made me buy? With interest?”
“That’s between you and the bank, Mira. I’ve washed my hands of it. Besides…” If there was one way Delia knew how to get beneath her frenemy’s skin, it was by saying, “I was doing you a favor. Who knew who else would have bought your house? You’re lucky it was me because you were the only one I would have sold it back to.”
“I’m still shocked you didn’t move in.”
“That place is way too big for me. Even if I had a partner and some staff to move in, it’s made for like… kids. At least a couple of kids. Which I do not wish to partake in.”
“Who knows? Maybe your sister will start popping them out, have a midlife crisis, and leave them with you.”
“Please, my mother would scoop them up before the ink was dry on the will.”
Mira asked the passing waiter for a refill of her iced tea. Delia was still working on her mimosa, taking her time even though it was so watered down she could have easily drunk three without feeling a buzz.
“So, what do you want?” Mira asked. “You didn’t beg me to come meet you unless you had a good reason. Something to do with that girlfriend you’re seeing?”
Delia steepled her fingers. “How astute. You know, it doesn’t feel like it’s been over three months since I met her, but here we are, still bumping our uglies wherever we go. I’d call it young love, but I’m not stupid. It’s much too early to tell.”
“She’s a bit young, even for you.”