Page 69 of XX Love Affair
Helena offered both her girlfriend and their hostess a coy look. “I can think of a couple of things going on here. Somehow, though, I don’t think we’re swinging.”
“We’re not official enough for it to be swinging,” Delia said with a chuckle.
“But we’re exclusive, so it might as well be.”
“That’s not the plan tonight,” Mira said. “But Delia did approach me with an interesting idea. One I could hardly resist.” She grinned. “Delia said it’s a surprise for you. Something about a dream of yours?”
Helena's ears perked up. From the list? Well, this didn’t look like a key party. What else had been on it?
“I haven’t forgotten about your recent job woes.” Delia inched closer, her leg brushing up against Helena’s. Although they had touched each other countless times, something about this sent a shiver up Helena’s spine. “So, I reached out to our friend Ms. Whitfield to see what she could do for you and your ambitions. In fact, she might be a better source of fun because she knows what it takes to conceal a young lady’s identity out there on the internet.”
“It’s Business 101 with what I do,” Mira said. “My moniker Mistress Misty has an impenetrable identity. Neither Blair nor I show our faces in our streams. It’s down to a science.”
“Is this going where I think it is?” Helena’s hand curled over Delia’s knee. “Because my birthday isn’t until November.”
“Think of it as a belated half-birthday gift then.”
Helena allowed Delia to lightly kiss her on the cheek, her eyelashes fluttering and her clothing constricting against her body. How interesting… She was wearing baggy clothes, after all. Yet they were too tight. She should take them off. Right now.
“We’ve talked at length about what we might like and what Delia’s boundaries are as your girlfriend,” Mira interrupted. “I have yet to hear what you’d like to show off, though. I don’t see why agreements can’t be made. With streaming, almost anything is possible.”
Helena could hardly believe this was happening. While other women might be shocked, disgusted, or angry that their girlfriend of only three months would suggest this… well, not Helena. She had all but explicitly shared that she had certain fantasies she’d like to play out before she ran off to college. She’d be offended if Delia never suggested this!
“Oh, I’ve got lots of ideas…” Helena said.
“Great.” Mira placed a pen on the coffee table before rustling through a book bag. Eventually, she procured two pieces of paper labeled Model Release and Notice of Consent. “We’ll get these signed while we talk. I’m supposed to go live in an hour, but I haven’t told my followers what tonight’s theme is. I originally thought I’d do something solo since Blair isn’t feeling well… this works out for me.”
Helena hesitated before pushing the pen against the paper. “Do I get compensated for this? Financially?”
Mira nodded. “See the bottom of the page in your hand. Flat amount of $500 is what I pay per solo performer. We’ll go over that once you’ve pitched me a couple of ideas.”
It’s not even about the money… Yet Helena knew her worth. She wouldn’t make it far if she gave everything away for free, and wasn’t that part of her fantasy? To be paid her worth?
She glanced at Delia before signing her name at the bottom of the Model Release. The smirk tugging at the corner of Delia’s mouth only made Helena more excited. How had she been so lucky to stumble upon a woman who would indulge her like this? And not get jealous?
That had been the problem with other partners. Even when they weren’t in a serious relationship with Helena, they got jealous when she inevitably wanted to explore some of her more out-of-the-box fantasies. It had quickly turned her into someone who kept those thoughts to herself or, worse, refused to pursue something more meaningful with anyone.
Because it was true she was merely biding time until she finally resumed her more responsible life…
…But it was also true that there was some dormant, unspoken part of Helena that desired to know what it was like to be in a real relationship. With someone who wasn’t only using her for sex, or to feel young, or because she was convenient. She was even interested in experiencing that thing called love.
How easy would it be to find someone like that?
This wasn’t the first time Delia had been so indulgent in one of her girlfriend’s fantasies. Yet could she say she had ever condoned something like this before?
Maybe. Maybe not. It depended on who one asked.
“Mira will take great care of her.” Blair sat with Delia on the loveseat against the far wall. They were in Mira’s professional studio, where she now filmed all of her content, including promotional videos for her and Blair’s performance services. The budget went up in here. With so much extra room and the ability to renovate things as she saw fit, Mira had transformed her great-aunt’s old bedroom into a bona fide film production studio. Lights, camera, action taken to a whole new level. The lighting was exquisite – only the best cameras for a woman who eked out a decent living doing sex work.
Helena was definitely in good hands on that front.
She knew what Blair meant, though. “Of course, she’s in good hands. Whitfield knows that if she harms a hair on that head or alters a single chamber of that heart she’s going down.”
Blair was mildly amused, even with a blanket propping up her arm and a hot pack settling on her stomach. Mira had said something about her girlfriend not feeling well, and Blair’s educated guess was that Aunt Flo had come early. Enough to ruin their plans for the night. Delia was happy she and Helena could help.
“Doesn’t bother you, does it?” Delia asked the woman sitting with her on the loveseat.
“No. Mira was a professional before I met her. Honestly, I’m not convinced she gets off on it when she’s in performance mode. She’s merely good at making it look convincing.”